


6 years, 4 months ago


One of the most well-known seraphs, Olympia's strength is unrivaled.

Being one of the heroes of the great war who saved humankind from the demons, there are statues and murals of Olympia all over the globe, and millions of people pray to her every day to give them strength. As a seraph's strength is determined by how many of the humans worship them, this has given her continued strength for many centuries. Seraphs normally only appear to humans who are pure of heart, but Olympia will often be seen by humans on the battlefield as they give their all to battle demons, fighting darkness alongside them. Her appearance often signals imminent victory, and gives people the burst of strength they need to keep going.

She is also very active in training new seraphs, helping them to gain strength and a following, and fighting alongside them in battle until they are strong enough to go it alone. This has earned her great admiration among the seraphs as well as the humans, and she maintains is the reason for her strength. Other seraphs consider her to be very approachable, as she will always do what she can to help with any problems, despite her main strength lying in combat.