Osiris Outteridge



19 • Dutch • Cisgender • He/Him • Hetro

Osiris is a very cool and laid back dude. He's not afraid to tell people he loves them or to cherish his pet Caterpillar George in public.
He's already a massive animal fan, but George is his baby. They're very close and he will get him out of his little enclosure every day to spend time with him. He can also soooometimes be a bit of a jerk to his brother Pip. He'll move something to a different spot, knowing Pip's gonna be searching for hours. He'll put ice cubes in his neck for the heck of it. He'll... Well, what wouldn't he do! He just loves pulling little pranks on his little brother. He'd do the same to Donut, but she doesn't get upset and mainly just confused.

He's Donut, Pip and Lil' Anne's big brother and Luna and Dawn's adopted child.
