Maximillian "Max" Herring (PJ)



6 years, 4 months ago


Max is a rather lanky boy. He does have a fair amount of muscle on him though, due to his use of bats while he was on the streets and sword training he received at camp. He is very agile, and has rough, calloused hands from training. He is short for his age, standing around 5' 4" and weighing no more than 105 ibs. He has bright blonde hair that seems to draw attention to him and ivory skin that sunburns easily. He is adorned with freckles from his time in the sun and has hazel/brown eyes. (unlike in the picture, sorry!)

Name: Maximillian "Max" Herring

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Godly parent (Cabin leader? 1 only): Hades

Any powers? Strengths? Weaknesses? (Don't be OP. If you're struggling thinking of powers, just talk to me): As a son of Hades, it is no surprise he can shadow travel, though it and summoning the dead takes a lot out of him. Due to his lack of training with his powers, he could shadow travel to a random place, or summon a whole bunch of goldfish. Like his half-sister, Max can control the earth, but due to his weak control of his powers, he really struggles with it, and by extension creating fissures, which he doubts he will be able to create. His earth powers lead to him being adequate at fending off earth-based magic. Due to his ideals, he is a bit better at fending off mind-control, but his submissive nature leaves him vulnerable to mist-based attacks.


Outgoing | friendly| afraid of being alone| inferiority complex| smart/clever | idealistic | tenacious

Outgoing, social, open, Max does not like being alone. Being alone makes him feel extremely vulnerable and he will often panic as he has a intense fear of being abandoned. Due to this fear, he often puts the needs of others above his own needs. Max tries to make observations about people through their conversations to better learn about them. Due to all the social interaction, Max is very perceptive of other's feelings, and is private and polite when talking to others about difficult subjects. Beneath the happy-go-lucky exterior, Max is very timid, and not very confrontational, expectantly when left to his own devices. He is easily hurt by off-hand comments and usually takes criticisms to heart, trying to endlessly better himself so others will like him. Due to his fear of abandonment, and inferiority complex, Max needs positive reinforcement to feel good about himself. He has learned to be group oriented, through his biting sarcasm can scare people away. He is very disorganized and messy, which leads to many half-baked plans. He has a nasty streak of being a risk-taker who lives in the moment, but oddly doesn't have a interest in extreme-sports.

For such an extrovert, Max isn't comfortable in unfamiliar situations when he is alone. He will often clam up and look for an escape. If there is none, he will take control of the situation, but only if pushed.

In his alone time, Max enjoys researching things. Random things, usually. How cars work, what is pi, what's the equation to get it. Basically anything that will come to mind. He is highly interested in how and why things work, which leads to him having a pretty solid idea of what to do when it comes to mechanical or math based things.

Max hails from a very religious house hold, and while he doesn't necessarily believe in that religion, he does adhere strictly to a well-developed value system. Max respects people, even if they did bad things, for perseverance in doing the right thing, or what they thought was the right thing. He likes to think life has purpose and meaning, and tries to see value in everything. He likes strange people that seem out of place, often befriending them.

Max strives to make sure no one feels alone or out of place, and hopes his friends will do the same. He is deeply afraid of being his true self, in fear that other people might not like him for who he really is, but he is also afraid of losing his true self by being the person everyone else wants him to be.


-sweet food

-kind people


-small crowds (7 people max.)

-softer/non-lyrical music



-learning (he's a weird one)

-learning about death specifically, mainly interested in philosophical stuff about death all that jazz


-that clacking sound on the keyboard

-inside jokes


-sour food

-really loud people

-really stubborn people

-people that speak with a monotone voice

-people who see in black and white

-people who are close-minded



-large crowds (10+ people)

-movies based off books

-scream-o music (he's got sensitive ears)

-people who skip school

-the hot


-the dark

Physicalities (Scars, burns, freckles, etc.): He's got a splash of freckles across his face, and a few on his arms. His only scar is on his palm from the time he tried to hold a frying pan without a glove because he was dared to.

Personal Item (Weapon-transforming-stuff? Optional): A bat with nails in it

Relationship? (Friends, date-mates, etc.): Always open for plotting! PM me, I don't bite!


Max was born to a single mother on a cold chilly day. He never knew his father-though his mother did say something about him not looking anything like Max. Max never missed his dad, he had everything he could want with his mom. Good apartment, good school, great friends. So what if he didn't have a dad? Several people didn't have both parents. He sure as heck wasn't complaining. Max was raised to be open and trusting, everyone deserved a better chance, his mom would say. Any bad choice they do is just because they are lost. They aren't as lucky as you are, so they get to lead the wrong path. The only way to help them is if you pull them from that dark path. Even after his mother's subsequent boyfriends and drinking, Max still held on to that philosophy. Even as she dropped him off in the middle of nowhere with some murmur about a 'camp..this or that' and driving off.