Latte Acer's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

damianfluffydoge Global Rules

|| If you own one of my designs ||

— You can make some changes, but keep it recognizable.

— You can resell it for the same price as you bought it (unless it has extra art).

— In case it was obtain via trade you can only re-trade it (for art or other character).

— Let me know if you don't want the design anymore, I might offer.

— Not commercial use (we can agree on something if you want).

Please keep the design on TH if you are gonna sell or trade so I can keep track of them.

—Don't delete the designs.

— If you are gonna hide the character, if you can please authorize me to see so I know it's not deleted.