
Name: Rosette Oneiroi
Alias: The Rosy Specter, The Pink Phantom, Dream Detective, and Rose
Age: 14 (She is greatly embarrassed by this) (Birthday: July 13th, 2008)

Gender: Female
Race: Prefers to be called ‘The Nemo’

Fur Color: Ivory with varying tints and shades of pink along with green.
Clay Color: Ivory with varying tints and shades of pink along with green.
Eye Color: In the material world they are always closed, but in the dream world she can open them to reveal periwinkle colored eyes.

Size: ‘11 not including the ears
Weight: About as much as your average Cereal Box with a prize inside

Ability: Rosette is able to enter the dreamscape of people that are about within 1-2 feet in range of her. Once in the dreamscape, Rosette has a choice between eating the dream, thus being able to alter it to something else or to observe the dream going on. If the decision to eat a dream comes up (mainly she has a strong preference for nightmares) Rosette will replace it with a cozy style mystery dream complete with a plastic halloween skeleton to stand in as the murder victim. These dreams are best described as a comfort after experiencing a nightmare and look back rather fondly on said dreams. One thing to note is if there are electric implants in the brain (Like say a chip), having Rosette entering the dreamscape can cause a mild electrical surge that can fry said brain electrical implant. 

Description: In the Material world, Rosette is a small clay faced plush doll that wears a pink rose bud print romper that has a hot pink sheer two tiered skirt attached with a gold lace trim and a faux opal pendant sewn onto the bodice. Rosette is unable to speak while in the material realm, having to resort to gesturing or writing, though she can move about just fine. She has rabbit-like ears and two cat-like tails, the fur being dotted with roses on it. The face is an ivory color with closed eyes showing the shimmering pink eyeshadow and pink blushing cheeks, iridescent glitter lightly coating the cheeks and muzzle bridge like freckles. Rosette has sculpted bangs that have a pink gradation leading back to the ivory color with an arc of clay roses on top like a flower crown. Although she claims to be made of porcelain, research has found that Rosette’s face is polymer with a resin coating. In the Dream world, though Rosette’s looks are still the same, there are differences like changes in her size and the ability to make facial expressions along with the ability to speak. Rosette can also now open her eyes while in the dream world when conversing which reveals to be Periwinkle in color. Sometimes, but not always, Rosette can change her outfits in the dream world to fit in with the theme of the Mystery story she likes to run, a favorite being a mini floating pink deerstalker hat. She owns two bead spider charms that are used for catching nightmares in the dreamscape for her to eat.

Personality: Rosette’s personality is best described as being like the ocean, always changing and rarely staying the same. This is likely because of the ability of entering dreams, she ‘collects’ a bit of the person’s personality trait and gets added into her own. In Rosette’s own words, ‘People are like Jalapenos, they can rub off on you when entering the dream world.’ The few traits she does have that stay consistent is the intense love for mysteries, altruistic tendencies, and Snarky sense of humor. It's been argued that Rosette is an amalgamation of various personalities that she had encountered when in the dreamscape, but no one is truly sure of this just yet as more tests would be needed. Because of this, test subjects for Rosette’s dream entering abilities are often given major background checks before proceeding with experiments. 

Bio: Rosette was located in a flea market sale in Atlanta, Georgia by undercover operatives back in 2014. Rosette was caught trying to escape the table, giving away her anomalous status to the operatives. From what information gathered both from written and dreams in interviews, Rosette had a partner, Fiskerton Shoemaker, that she got separated from at the flea market that she was found in, only to be intercepted by the operatives before Rosette could get back with her partner. She often asks researchers if Fiskerton was found yet, expressing great concern and worry for him whenever the topic comes up along with missing Fiskerton daily. Rosette and Fiskerton both come from an ancient race of metaphysical beings that always come in pairs, never being solo that traverse in both the physical and the dream worlds. Judging from how often Rosette talks about older members of her species, it can be assumed that the older the pair are, the grander they tend to look with gold filled cracks on their ceramic faces or elaborate embroideries on ripped or worn fabrics on their bodies. In short, the older the more beautiful they look, whereas the younger are considered a bit less glamorous or not as nearly refined. This is possibly why Rosette likes to claim her face is Porcelain, it's considered an older material rather than the much more recent polymer clay she has. However, this can also imply that the older her species become, the more abilities they can develop over time and experience that could lead to the older is better mentality.