


6 years, 3 months ago


  • RAM
  • MALE
  • 5'9
  • Demon
  • x


??.YO // The Painful Way - Theme // . . .

At first, Ram was a knight of Hell's Golden Army; during those decades, he spent most of his time in beast form, tearing through his enemies' flesh with his fangs and claws. When the war died down, he retired and became a personal bodyguard, taking contracts with different people everytime the last one would end. He didn't want to settle down or become too attached to his employer; whatever they offered to renew the contract, he turned them down and left, looking for a new job.

After years of working non stop, Ram decided to finally take a break; he walked on Earth for the first time, and took a liking to the place. Living alone in a small cottage, he met the lost sheep, then took them under his wing since he never found their parents. Taking care of them became his new job, and a weird feeling took over him the first time they called him "dad". Since then, he does his best to raise and protect them.

"How- How could I let this happen ? How did they get out, why did they venture out at night ; I can't believe I didn't hear them, I can't believe they're.."

When he met Audelia, another feeling bloomed inside him; while he never wanted to get attached to anything else than his kids, he couldn't ignore what he felt towards her. Protectiveness, yes, but also affection, and a strong desire to simply spend more time with her. It was clumsy at first ; he had no idea how to court a woman, and often stumbled and bonked his horns against hers. Their bond grew slowly but steady, until they realized they were *probably* a couple. It made them chuckle, and Ram proposed some months later.

"Are you lost, little sheep ?"

Design Notes

  • Arms become black, veined with gold when he uses his powers
  • Can shift into a demon ram and use fire magic
  • Fur sometimes grow on his cheecks, like a beard (it's very soft actually)
  • Beast tail, horns & legs
  • Has one gold fang


Audelia - Wife
Mango - Kid