❀ | Applespring



1 year, 10 months ago



Name : Applespring
Pastnames : Applepaw, Applekit
Age : 50 Moons (35)
Gender : male (he/him)
Rank : Hunter
Residence : The Island Group
Mentor : Badgerlaugh
Apprentice : Fizzbounce
Sexuality : bisexual, polyamory
Mate : Hiveleap (currently), Grapefruithaze (currently), Weaselsqueal (formerly)
Kits : Doeflower, Griffinhowl, Blazekit, somethingkit and somethingkit

Applespring is a loud, dorky, and passionate tom. He is a loud talker and is a goofy guy to hang around with. Applespring has a pretty large friend group and is well known. He is constantly doing something and contributing to TIG, even though he breaks a couple rules here and there- such as leaving the island to go on the Water Quest with his friends. Later after returning, he has two kits, Griffinhowl and Doeflower with Weaselsqueal, then Blazekit with Hiveleap, and then adopts UNNAMED and UNNAMED with Grapefruithaze. Applespring is also best friends with Chainpaw and Squirrelvenom.

Applespring was born with the ability to foresee and predict the future. If you ask him how your life can go, he can easily tell you. Applespring can predict almost everything, including death...

  • being a big jokester
  • hanging out with his friend group
  • teasing Hiveleap and Grapefruithaze
  • decorating his fur with leaves
  • when he is constantly asked what the future will bring
  • the smell of tree sap
  • when his fur is out of place
Fears : being neglected
Habits : talking WAY too loud
  • Applespring was once straight, but when he figured out its okay to have same-sex relationships he changed and is now in a bisexual polyamory
  • Applespring allows Chainpaw to knead on him so Chainpaw can sleep better and calm down
  • Applespring's favorite snack is bird eggs, though he rarely has them since he can't climb (only has three legs)
code by jiko