Triver Norbun



1 year, 10 months ago


Basic info

BLOOD CASTEBronze (#a25203)
AGE 28 sweeps  (~60 human years)
PRONOUNSHe/Him (Trans Male)
TROLL TAGartisianHerbage [AH]
OCCUPATIONFreelance work with taming and raising wild lusii as well as mechanical work. Does greenhouse work and gardening as a hobby.
HIVEHas his own place in a more central part of Dezola, but usually stays with his moirail. The only reason he keeps the place is to be able to stay near Sphina as well.
LUSUSAnteater Lusus
INTERESTSAnything Botanical or Mechanical. He knows just about everything there is to know on the subjects and appreciates helping out others that might not know as much. Manages out of control lusii and is exceeded in taming wild lusii.
QUIRKPrefix: ✿
Suffix: None

Capitalization: Yes

Punctuation: Yes

Commas: Yes

Periods at the end of a line: Yes

Replacement/Other: c,C to ¢ , o,O to ⚙. No g's on ing words, says things like "ain't" and minor slang. Noticeably doesn't swear around anyone younger than himself.

✿ Yeah, f⚙r trees.
✿ Smethin's gtta g dwn 'n this shithle. I mean it, ¢heck ut the ki¢ks.


Triver is a good-hearted older troll with strong ethics living on Dezola. He is always there to lend a hand, putting others' problems first. Think about the type of people that would drop everything they're doing to help out another person, no matter how large of a situation they were in themselves. This is also a weakness, usually needing someone else (which typically ends up being Gezdor) to say that someone may be taking advantage of his kindness.

He is a sweet soul, though he pokes a lot of fun at people, having a large sense of humor that can sometimes subtly attack another person. Despite it all being in good faith, some people would find him annoying or rude, and enjoying extended time around him could be a hard feat if you aren't compatible. He'll still try his best regardless.

Overall, he would give the skin on his back to pretty much anyone, whether he knows them or not; but, he is not naive. Triver is very smart and knows his way around a situation or two. His issue comes with realizing when that situation begins and ends or the full morals of said situation; Usually being blissfully unaware of the problems around him until it is brought up to him directly.

  Good/neutral traits

  • kind soul;
  • "hippie";
  • friendly;
  • accepting;
  • easy-going.

  Bad traits

  • unaware;
  • lenient;
  • poorly confrontational;
  • not everyone's cup of tea.






   Gezdor Furmek

Could be considered as a mildly dysfunctional moirail. They care for each other a lot but sometimes their behavior doesn't quite fit the typical definition of moirails. They don't bother with worrying about this, though. Might poke a lot of fun at him, but genuinely cares about his well-being. 

  Sphina Derrba: Entirely platonic father-daughter-like relationship. Pretty much one of her fathers. Easier on her than Gezdor and is somewhat of the "cool dad".




   Insect Hospital - They Might Be Giants