


1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info




  • Name: Florence (Fleur)
  • Age: 35
  • Gender/Pronouns: Non-Binary (They/she)
  • Species: Common
  • Magic Affinity: Water Magic
  • Occupation: Pirate

  • Personality:
    Fleur has been known to be quite domineering when it comes to matters of their boat. They often assume a very stout order of control and will readily reprimand any crewmembers who step out of line and endanger the ship and the others aboard, though this is generally out of concern for her compatriots rather than an authoritarian need. Juxtaposing this behavior, however, Fleur is someone who relishes the time to let loose. This is especially true whenever the crew finds themselves at the port and their captain missing, oft on a drunken misadventure or getting lost in their pursuit of various entertaining frivolities. Fleur has shown to be very foolhardy when not behind the helm of the ship, often taking time to goof off with their crew and pull practical jokes on their closest companions in particular. Fleur has a deep appreciation for personal gifts and will often treasure them immensely. This may stem from their material philosophy with to their disdain for obscene wealth and firm belief in wealth redistribution. They are often described as a flamboyant clutz and will regularly trip over themselves or fail spectacularly after excessive partying or extended periods of their wanton mischief. Repaints the Caspian almost every week for 'style points'.  Is extremely strong from doing labor on the ship, often breaks things for fun or by accident. They rammed their head in a rock to see if they could break it.

  • History: 
    Fleur was once a small being, who had a love of the tides. The waves crashed against the shore of their home town, covering the whole city in water. The event both scared and enraptured Fleur, witnessing such power and a pertinent recklessness was transformative.  The ocean is a being in Fleur's mind, with it's movement and patterns being something to tame. They live on the ocean as a pirate who loots and destroys any boats that come within their relative view.

    Currently Fleur owns a vessel known as the Caspian which they use as a trade vessel. They are an agent of chaos who loots and parties with a carefree attitude, but pirates their vessel with an air of seriousness that cannot be seen in other aspects of their personality. The boat has a rococo energy, and was originally captained by Fleur's father. They have a relatively good relationship to their parents and actively fend off questions regarding their relationship and the status of that. Has been a pirate since they were 15. Can fish/hunt and actively stops at deserted islands to catalog wildlife and host dinners for their crew with foraged materials. Has eaten things they probably shouldn't of  more than often.

  • Soft Spots:
    •  Fleur has a soft spot for younger equines and often uses loot to sponsor orphanages or donations.
    •  Fleur loves birds and seagulls, the reasoning they give when asked is 'They're simply pets for sailors'
    •  Awful singer, but loves anyone who asks them to sing
  • Sore Points:
    • Hates obscene amounts of wealth. Constantly broke as a side effect of over spending from loot hauls
    • Often sails into typhoons or hurricanes. Looses common sense when there's serious weather (think tornado chaser lol)
    • Hates nicknames. Parents call them Fleury (said like Flurry). 
    • Eats tons of citrus.