Sod Amduscias



6 years, 5 months ago


Sod is a character subject to much change depending on the universe he's in. The only consistency in his character are his species and the motifs around him. Sod is presented as equine at all times, to present him otherwise honestly makes no sense. His color palette is generally surrounded by pink and blue but at times is just reduced to pink. 


Sod was originally introduced as a clerical character, serving an existing god in his universe and wielding their power. He was powerful, but merely an instrument of the god's will, infrequently acting on his own accord. When the universe he was created in was scrapped,his entire character needed to change. Referring to earlier AUs, I decided to go back to a concept essentially made on a whim.


This mock blueprint was made to fit his character into a cyberpunk AU. His 'epicenter' at the forefront of his head was to absorb 'dark energy,' again referring to the core motif of spirituality in the character. While I had fun drawing this, his design was more anthropomorphic than I would like it to be now. Additionally I wanted him to be more science based if he was going to be in a science fiction AU, so I bullshitted a scientific concept to make him what he currently is.

Current Design:

Sod is currently a high end AI that is sold on the market as a battery that can recharge itself using the energy obtained from colliding antimatter with matter. When both matter and antimatter are detected, the Sod model opens a pocket dimension to transport them to, and then harvests the energy created from the collision. Sod himself is a rogue model, not wishing to only fulfill his purpose but to discover what it means to be sentient. 


Icon by SeaPunk