


1 year, 10 months ago






age121 Moons

genderCis Male (he/him)


past names

  • Bloodkit
  • Bloodpaw

In many ways, Bloodmuzzle is the ideal mender. Not only is he skilled at his job, but his personality lends itself to the role. His entire life has revolved around his job as a mender, and as a result his personality has morphed into what would fit the role best. Bloodmuzzle is known as a cheerful and supportive face around BarrenClan, always happy to bring up spirits. This can err into the territory of annoying, with terrible jokes, incessant humming, and on-the-spot songs about his clanmates and their daily lives. This might have bothered a younger Bloodmuzzle, but age has allowed him to care less of his perception to others.

In many ways, age has done him well. He is wiser than he used to be, a little more cautious and a little more intelligent. Like much of his clan, Bloodmuzzle is an out-of-the-box thinker, and incredibly creative. He tries to maintain this positive outlook on aging, however not everything is perfect in Bloodmuzzle’s world. As his body slows down and age begins to catch up with him, he has begun to worry what that means for his future as a mender and the future of BarrenClan as a whole. So much of his life is woven into being a mender that he finds himself unable to imagine the cat he would be in retirement, or whether he would be the same at all.

Positive Traits

  • +Creative
  • +Charming
  • +Passionate

Negative Traits

  • -Annoying
  • -In Denial
  • -Stubborn


  • Particularly good at physical therapy
  • Enjoys making up songs and composing poetry, particularly about his clanmates
  • Terrified of retirement stripping his identity
  • Does not think of Sabrepaw much since her disappearance, because he is afraid of confronting her fate and what a lack of an apprentice means for his future

black tabby van
fur length
tabby spot on left side of face.
domestic shorthair
pale blue and yellow
body type
thin and frail
herb knowledge
faith in starclan


within clan
outside of clan


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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.



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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.

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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.



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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.


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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.

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About the relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat rhoncus vitae.

Early Life

Bloodmuzzle's life began far more averagely than it has ended up.

Born in a litter of three to a pair of toms Snapfire and Strikefang, Bloodkit never had any cause to believe the world was anything less than good. He was raised with stories of the Glaring like any other young BarrenClanner, but he struggled to believe that anyone could truly be so awful. BarrenClan was good, as was his family, and the world was perfect. The summer was long and hot, and he knew for a fact that the world was inherently good. This was until he neared the end of his kithood, and had his first real encounter with death.

A clanmate had fallen to the claws of a fox. It was an honourable death, and she had saved many in her sacrifice, but the sight of her broken in camp ignited something in Bloodkit. If he was to ensure his perfect would would remain that way, then he would need to take initiative to keep his clanmates from meeting the same fate. It was not long after that he expressed interest in becoming a mender, and the mender at the time took him under her wing.

Young Life

Thistleflower proved to be an excellent mentor. She encouraged Bloodpaw's creativity and unorthodox approaches to solving problems. This was where Bloodpaw's interest in poetry and song also took hold, as the two would spend the long and tedious hours of sorting or searching for herbs creating music to pass the time. Bloodpaw's apprentice moons were perhaps the best of his life, and the support of his mentor and family helped him grow into a skilled mender

Bloodmuzzle eventually got his full name, and the start of his life as a mender began. As Thistleflower began to age, he put more focus into learning physical therapy, even going so far as to ask the other clans for techniques during Star Cave meetings. While his ability to use herbs was the quality any cat would expect from a tom in his role, his physical therapy was what sent him above and beyond. Over the years it saved a number of cats, something that he is incredibly proud of.

Seasons changed, cats died and were born. Despite love and loss, Bloodmuzzle's life remained constant. He was BarrenClan's mender, and had every intention of doing this forever.

Adult Life

Bloodmuzzle insists that old age isn't catching up to him, but the strangeness of recent moons haven't slowed the process.

It began with Sabrepaw. Despite his insistence that he wasn't old, Bloodmuzzle recognized that his job might get easier with some extra paws around the den. This sparked the beginning of Sabrepaw's apprenticeship. Bloodmuzzle's normal life continued, and all was well.

Until it wasn't.

Cats began to disappear. There was nothing the menders could do, given that there were no bodies to mend. This frustrated Bloodmuzzle, but for a while he was able to focus on his duties, until Sabrepaw disappeared.

This hit him hard. He would have been consumed with grief, if not for Bonecrack's accident. The warrior's injury needed intensive treatment, something difficult to manage without Sabrepaw's help. Against all odds, Bonecrack healed, and began to help him out with his duties. They weren't a replacement for Sabrepaw, exactly, but they made the transition to being a sole mender easier.

Present Day

Cats continue to disappear and the world keeps getting weirder. These days, Bloodmuzzle has been feeling his age more than ever. The idea of being unable to complete his job frightens him, as does the fact that he is without an apprentice. He is vehement that neither are problems, but as BarrenClan continues to struggle, it becomes harder to pretend that everything will turn out okay.