


8 years, 9 months ago



Relationship: Taken

Excitable and the definition of the extrovert. He is constantly on the go, and almost always talking or fidgeting or both. He can be overbearing at times but he's mostly well meaning. Barrett has a good heart an will often go out of his way to help other grems and people where and when he can. He is also incredibly thick skinned and it will take quite a bit to really rile him. He tends to not hold grudges but he wont be played more than once. He works as a producer for a music studio and is well known for producing star after star and making sure to keep them out of negative light. He used to be in a rather famous grem pop band along with Fiero but after Barret ran off and escaped their abusive owner the two of them have been hostile towards each other ever since

He does though, tend to be a trouble maker often times sewing a few seeds of chaos and sitting back to watch.

It should be noted that Barrett no longer performs, while he still speaks publicly and on occasions acts he refuses to sing infront of the camera or a crowd, sress and anxiety from his past have long since stolen his voice from him and being forced to sing infront of a crowd will cause him to have a panic attack.