Xandra Hiramitsu



1 year, 10 months ago


(Disclaimer species credit goes to Azurehowlshilach)

Basic information                                                                                                                                                                                  
Name: - Xandra Hiramitsu
Nicknames: - Xee,
Gender: - Female
Age: - 22 years old
Birthday:- May 6th
Species: - Light
Status:- Alive
Sexuality: - Homosexual
Physical Description: - {Mutated/Symbolized/Marked + Royal tail, markings/symbols & wings}
Mate:- Sitlaz 
Rank:- Princess
Summon:- Thea - Tanlin deer - {Earthly variant}
Unique ability:- unknown
Pack of origin:- Tanlin falls
Pack/group:- Tanlin Clans
Classification:- young adult

(Parents)  Celia (Mother),  Sephtis (father)  
(Grandparents)  ...                                                                                                                                                        
(Siblings) Althea (Half-sister), Aiyohime (Sister), Barga (Brother)
(Cousins) Luz (Cousiness), Myri (Adopted-Cousin)
(Aunts/uncles) Helios (Uncle)

(Friends) Circe (Friend), Azore (friend)
(Mate) Sitlaz (Secret mates)                                                                                                                                                                                              



  • Xandra is known to be kind and caring like her mother with a nurturing nature, mostly towards her family and commoners
  • She takes her duties very seriously and doesn't like to fool around
  • She's realistic and doesn't believe anything that doesn't have evidence to back it up
  • She's very calm most of the time 
  • level-headed and prefers not to speak without reason
  • open-minded
  • Very dutiful towards her people 
  • Has a soft spot for her family especially half-sister Althea and her cousin Luz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Born in Tanlin Falls to royalty, she was automatically classed as a princess since birth and was especially respected along with her littermates princess Aiyohime and prince Barga, she was the oldest of her three siblings. Xandra was anticipated to do great things since birth, mainly due to her having royal traits, because of this she was quite adored, as they believed that she was holy like all the other royals' that bear these regal qualities.

Around the age of 3, her hybrid half-sister was born. She witnessed the scandal of half-sister Althea's birth, as it was seen as a disgrace to the royal family, that someone of not pure blood was within their ranks, luckily though her half-sister was allowed to co-exist and was not given away to a lower-ranked family, yet, her half-sister was generally just overlooked by most, due to Xandra being so young back then she didn't quite understand what was going, but as she grew older, she became very defensive of her half-sister and would not hesitate to silence anyone who spoke ill of her, like her mother she made sure that nobody would dare say anything nasty in front of her half-sister.

Xandra was known to be quite a dutiful princess even from a young age, she is frequently witnessed to be among the commoners and liked to solve problems herself, she is noted to be a fantastic listener, and her people seemed to like her because of that, nonetheless, she always appeared to have a challenging time making friends with those in her kingdom, as they seemed to idolize her like she is some deity. That's why she mostly kept her close bonds with her parents, sisters, brother, and her cousin Luz' whom she took under her wing, due to Luz' having a difficult time adjusting to the fact she is a princess who was placed under a lot of pressure and responsibility.

Nonetheless, she did make a few very close friends that she trusted even within Tanlin Falls. While she was very open about who she associated with, and would often be seen with them, however, secretly she seemed to be particularly fond of one solider, Sitlaz, a quiet she-wolf that seemed to have some insecurities of her appearance, Xandra, would later grow quite close to her, and secretly become mates, sadly as the laws are outdated, they couldn't be open about their relationship and had to keep it low key. Another notable individual wasn't a wolf from inside of the Tanlin Falls, but a Shadow/light hybrid that visited Tanlin Falls, Circe, was his name, she was quite intrigued by the fact he didn't care for her status, and even though he insulted her, a few times, she didn't take any offense and was quite interested in how life was outside of Tanlin Falls, subsequently, a strong friendship flourished after they got to know each other, and she would eagerly await his visits, and sometimes would confess her struggles to him, and ask for advice. Even though Circe, didn't relate to her struggles, he could see how much she cared for her people and how she couldn't just leave the kingdom.  

She's known to be quite a skilled warrior, and since the age of 14 and to the present date, she would often be seen on the battlefield, usually leading some of the troops under the queen's authority, while she does not particularly enjoy this, she solely sees this as one of her obligations, but this does not indicate she doesn't question the queen's motives, especially if the packs she has to attack seen harmless or innocent to her, however, she does acknowledge that the queen's word is final and that she can't do much about it or it'll be seen as treason if she doesn't perform her duties.

She would constantly feel very guilty about destroying innocent wolves' lives, whenever she took part in the battles, feeling like she was trapped in an evil circle that she can't get out of. Later on, when she decided to finally face the slaves that were captured because of her actions. Here she would catch Luz helping slaves in the slave camps, seeing this she decided to secretly help her cousin to at least bring them some decent food. Luckily nobody would dare question her or her cousin, as to why they spent so much time there.

At present day, she is seen to be quite involved with her duties, and the commoners, she's frequently seen with her cousin or friends. She has also been noted to be quite apprehensive about her half-sister Althea, who she hasn't seen for months now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  • The name Xandra means "defender"
  • Her surname, 'Hiramitsu', means even, flat, peace, ray, and light!
  • Xandra has natural leadership qualities, and does her absolute best to better the kingdom 
  • She doesn't particularly agree with the queen, and will often question her moves and ideas, however, she keeps quiet, as doing otherwise is considered treason.
  • secretly helps the slaves within the slaves camps with luz.
  • Has quite an interesting relationship with her sister Aiyohime.
  • Due to the strict rules she has to follow, this have led her to snuggle a lot about her identity and sexuality, (sort of in denial)