


1 year, 11 months ago


× About ×

Name: feather

Name meaning: any of the flat appendages growing from a bird's skin and forming its plumage, consisting of a partly hollow horny shaft fringed with vanes of barbs.

Age: 16

Look: a light blue with darker green blue markings

Personality:curious but jumpy, scares easily when snuck up on. Bright but can be serious when needed. She's very hard headed when she has her mind set on something she will not be persuaded otherwise. Painfully blunt at times

rider: ryker

Scars: one on her shoulder and tail

Sexuality: straight 

Significant other: none

species: icefury

× Background and family ×

Mother: unknown 

Father: unknown 

Brothers: none 

Sisters: none 

Background: Feather is a particularly curious dragon often getting herself into trouble just to answer a question (ex: one time she tried to see how high she could fly and passed out due to oxygen loss). Her rider is ryker who saved her from a bear trap, ryker is the only person feather trusts currently . Icefuries are fast, faster than night furies and are one of the fastest species of dragon, but that's it that's their ability they're fast. She didn't know her parents or if she had any siblings having her flock killed in the same accident that damaged her tail. She permanently flies with a small wobble due to it