VA (ViEi) (Лицеист)



Agent Lauren Smith (Laurie)


"Why do you love me, it's driving me crazy!"

  • Lauren is an introvert and silent woman who worked as a cop when was still alive. She's always been loyal to her coworkers and to her job and she never liked to talk too much.

  • Likes: Her cops friends, exotic birds, scarves, dressing as a male
  • Dislikes: Being what she is, sweets, Shado, swears and slurs

  • Lauren got killed during a mission with the cop squad, she and other three men were on the tracks of some fraud who was illegally trading exotic birds, when the cops found the thieves they didn't noticed the entire base was covered with dynamite. It was a massacre. The entire squad and the rare birds died and only Lauren got saved: the creature spoke, revealing its name: Merlin. Lauren never knew why she saved her, it couldn't be out of pity as it seems Merlin is only full of herself. Lauren still thinks this second life is a curse for whatever she did in the past. Currently helps confused Shadros to get away from empty lands before they become food for wild beasts.
Age / height / weight
3 cycles / 178 cm / 59 kg
Lawful neutral/ ISTP
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Traveller