


2 years, 2 months ago



  • Name[Paige]
  • Age[21]
  • Height[5'7"]
  • Sexuality[Lesbian]
  • Birthdate[11th of July]
  • Voice-Claim[TBA]

Paige is shy and reserved, because of her secretive and muted personality she looks pretty menacing. Paige is also pretty deceptive, she can easily hide her emotions from other people. Including the people most closest to her. Paige despite being quiet and not talking to strangers all too often, she can tell and read people's emotions.

She doesn't think much about her locket, in fact, its sometimes a burden. Being in control of the past and present is sometimes so stressful and although she sometimes wishes if she could just smash it on the ground and break it, she can't seem to ever part with it since there's always that part of her that enjoys the thrill of being able to manipulate time itself in the palm of her hand.

  • Heavy Metal
  • Newspaper
  • Rain
  • Black Eyeliner
  • Physical Touch

  • Bright Lights
  • Heights
  • Fast Movements
  • Plums
  • Small Places







  • She would love listening to Billie Eilish and Mother Mother 
  • Goes back in time for the most minor things (example: getting eye liner before it runs out since she knows it will that day)
  • Can eat spices with no problem but funnily enough she's lactose in tolerant
  • Hates sudden movents from people, she won't react to jumpscares or anything but she'll give you the hardet death glare ever
  • She loves newspaper... Not reading it but the texture is nice, she would happily roll it up and just fiddle with the paper till she gets bored of it
  • Designer [Me]
  • Obtained by [Mee]
  • Value [ur mom]
  • Reference [pis]

  • She's got piercings all over her face and a mole under her eye
  • Her locket can extend up to her arm
  • She likes gold badges and wears some on her coat
  • Paige wears gothic tattered stockings that she paid a stupid amount of money for
  • Likes to wear shorts and overall dark tones of clothes


The first part

At the start when Denis and Griffin came along, she was of course very suspicious of them and didn't believe they actually had good intentions. She was right, noticing multiple times how Denis tried to sneakily steal the locket without her looking. The only reason they stayed for so long was because Lulu trusted Griffin, and not wanting to go against her partner, she allowed the two to stay. Begrudgingly...

The second part

After a while, however, it looked as though Denis had stopped trying so hard to get the locket and just took time to relax. Paige didn't buy this sudden change of heart but eventually she would yield too. Turns out being so cautious all time is really stressful.

They both find out that they both have a lot in common and really like eachother's company. So they for the first time, have an honest chat and become mutual friends!

The last part

Sadly, this would change when Denis suddenly snaps one day from Kingsley finally getting hold of him, to remind him of his purpose. Denis and Paige get into a heated altercation that soon turns into a fight. Denis would rip the locket out of her neck and finally finish his mission.

But, a few hours past and Griffin and Denis come back to their home with the locket back! Denis after experiencing his creator's true intentions has turned against Kingsley completely and sincerely apologises to Paige. They make up and become friends again.

Empty Space lol