


1 year, 11 months ago




  • Name [Lulu]
  • Age[22]
  • Height[5'9"]
  • Sexuality[Lesbian]
  • Birthdate[4th of September]
  • Voice-Claim[TBA]

Lulu is a gentle and respectful fellow, she is incredibly caring and sweet to the people around her. She treats everyone with affection and is showers her beloved, Paige, with all the love she could ever get. Lulu is smart but her empathy for others can fog her up, making her unable to see the red flags sometimes.

But Lulu can be just as secretive and illusive as Paige, being one of the only people Paige trusts enough to tell her about her time locket, she treats that information with care and makes sure nobody else knows about her locket except for her. Lulu can keep secrets pretty well.

  • Tea
  • Pie/Biscuits
  • Swords
  • Antique Dolls
  • Snow

  • Messy Places
  • Smoke
  • Supernatural
  • Fire
  • impolite People







  • Carries her umbrella everywhere she goes
  • Absolutely terrified of the supernatural and ghosts,  no matter how corny or trashy the stories are, she'll still be hiding under her sheets
  • She's really good at dancing!
  • Really passionate about sword fighting and loves watching sword fighting/kendo as a sport
  • She's good at cooking but once she accidently caused a fire while trying to bake a cake
  • Designer [mee]
  • Obtained by [me]
  • Value [uh]
  • Reference [no]

  • She has a very fancy looking bow
  • Wears a dress that drapes all the way right up to her shoes
  • Has a shirt underneath her skirt
  • Her fur has darker tones along her eyes
  • Carries her umbrella everywhere she goes


The first part

When Lulu and Paige first met, the two took some time to become friends. But they both had feelings for each other, they just hadn't came to terms with it. But sooner or later they would start dating after Paige would finally confess her true feelings. Paige was worried the confession would ruin their friendship together but it didn't at all since Lulu reciprocated the same feelings.

The second part

That was until Paige opened up to Lulu about her time locket and Lulu, being extremely respectful, promised to keep it a secret between them.

And one day, one major event would occur... Paige and Lulu while on a scroll together would be peaceful until Paige would accidentally fall down a deep ditch. Paige trying to cling onto Lulu for dear life, would end up slipping from her grip. She couldn't reach her locket.

The last part

So Lulu, in the heat of the moment, opened and used the locket herself. Unsure what would happen if she were to use it.

And after reversing time, Paige would end up going in time. Because although Lulu moved the hour hand handles herself, since Paige was the one still wearing the locket. Making her aware of the future situation if they kept walking on their scroll.

It opened up a new kind of bond and trust within Paige and now the two are closest they've ever been.

Empty Space lol