


2 years, 2 months ago




  • Name [Griffin]
  • Age[20]
  • Height[5'0"]
  • Sexuality[Gay]
  • Birthdate[20th of April]
  • Voice-Claim[TBA]

Griffin is a finicky and awkward guy, he's a good person and loves making friends with people but he's easy to scare and manipulate, he's a pathetic guy who's trying his best. He tries hard to stick up for himself but he can't help but stutter over his words and eventually giving up on trying to act tough because he has the most weakest skin, if you yell at him he'll cry.

He's very creative and is an indie author who has a passion for writing. He loves meeting new people and talking about his interests but he'll immediately stop and get flustered if he notices you're obviously not interested in his book ramblings.

  • Writing
  • Philosophy
  • Art Galleries
  • Eggs
  • Sunsets

  • Squishy Fruit
  • Cooking
  • Bustling Places
  • Slugs
  • Cold Nights







  • Would absolutely love the book "Dorian Grey"
  • FHe's not a plague doctor he's just paid by Kingsley to act as one, in fact he's terrified of diseases!
  • Admittedly, he loves pretentious and though provoking quotes. Even if they're very cheesy
  • Likes his eggs scrambled
  • He also likes trashy romance books, it's a guilty pleasure
  • Designer [m]
  • Obtained by [e]
  • Value [yesir]
  • Reference [burp]

  • Wear a plague doctor mask
  • He also wears a tophat that has googles on it
  • He has a sorta cape around his neck
  • His inside shirt is buttoned up and he wears gloves
  • His mask makes it look like his eyes are blacked out but they really aren't


The first part

LGriffin while walking back home, Kingsley would go to approach him. The two had been friends years ago but it's been so long that they'd forgotten each other until now. Kingsley offers Griffin a chance to be rich and go big as an author if he just helped him become a recon officer to help steal a certain item...

None of these tactics would work since Griffin doesn't want to be a big, popular author (and plus stealing is wrong !!). But Kingsley would then go on to blackmail Griffin. Which would work... Griffin would be told to wear a plague doctor outfit to hide the fact he's secretly a recon officer spying on Denis to see if he's actually doing what he's supposed to be doing.

The second part

The two would make their way to Paige's home and seeing Paige having a life with Lulu made him feel horrible for what he's really there for, to steal.

Griffin would proceed to be friends with Lulu and Paige (even though he's not supposed to) and would try warning Denis that maybe his dad isn't someone you should trust... But he would always dismiss Griffin on it even when they started to become closer friends.

Both Denis and Griffin started getting closer and becoming friends with Paige and Lulu until Griffin would get a call from Kingsley, wanting a report on how much progress they've made. Griffin trying to act tough to Kingsley immediately folds and hands the call over the Denis.

The last part

Denis and Kingsley would have a fight over call which would change Denis back to his cut-throat self. Grabbing the locket by force from Paige and leaving their house to go see Kingsley.

Griffin goes to chase after him knowing his fate if he would give the locket to Kingsley. He would reach the house right in the middle of Kingsley dismantling Denis. Griffin would go to push Kingsley off of Denis by smashing a medkit over Kingsley's head.

The two would hurriedly grab the time locket back and Deni's dismantled arm and run out the home. They eventually would in the nick of time.

Both of them would then go back to Lulu and Paige again to apologise to them. They would make up and become good friends again.

Empty Space lol