Vincent Violen-Bishep



1 year, 11 months ago


Age: over 30 years old

Height: 195 cm

Religion: atheist

Nationality: French

Bad habits: smoking to relieve stress

Orientation: gay

RelationshipRichard (ex boyfriend), James (probationary foster "child")


Featuresbionic leg and arm + fake left eye (the one with a scars), "dyed" hair, ambidextrous but prefers to use the left hand, likes a clear order around, gentle and affectionate, but will never show it even to friends, strange triggers, bipolar disorder and moral self-harm, misogynist

Likes: coffee, throwing knives, repairing various appliances, red black and purple colors, meditating, furry creatures, especially rabbits, bananas, lollipops, snakes, croissants when someone touches his hair, bites, stockings, hugs

Dislikes: robots, green and pink colors, katanas when things get out of control, when they hint at his paranoia, cookies, teleportation when someone tries to find out about his past, too obsessive pestering, cosmetics, darkness, thunder, spiders

Afraid of: depths, dogs, demons, the departure of a loved one, going crazy, condemnation for his actions, showing emotions and feelings, trusting.