Hunni Uhnwee



6 years, 4 months ago


Fantasy Worldtumblr_nupt0qu6pP1txt22yo1_500.gif"An old fashioned world full of magic where majority of the monarchy belongs to unicorns. The story follows how this world changes and progresses as monarchy is starting to be rejected, and the tension between humans and non humans rise dramatically. Contains humans, variant humans, monsters, and mythical creatures. Significant groups are the Royal, Rebels, and Regulars."

Hunni Uhnwee |  | 22 years | 5'4 | ENFP | Human | Warlock | Entertainer

History and Current Whereabouts
Hunni grew up in an orphanage, along with her twin sister; B. In the orphanage, she was completely indistinguishable from her sister, both in appearance and personality. This did not bother her, in fact, she enjoyed that there was hardly a way of telling the two apart. But, this would've changed when they both reached their early teen years. After going out into town with B, she saw a group of performers that inspired her to become an entertainer. She was particularly interested by bright and happy qualities of jesters and clowns, so her first costume was inspired by that. Since then, she started to practice with instruments and visual gags/toys and left the orphanage to perform in taverns with her sister. She was encouraged by B to partner with her for high art performance, and partner they did, but it was around this time that the two started to drift apart. Hunni didn't have the same idea of entertainment as she did, and she didn't even want the same image as B anymore due to the fact that her skin was starting to change, and she was starting to become more interested in magic at the same time. Hunni didn't know her place and felt completely alienated, which put a strain on the chemistry she had with B. Due to one bad performance, she ended up having a part in burning an inn down and is now indebted to he owner. She slowly pays off the debt by performing in a new inn. At this point, Hunni is an adult, and has matured into feeling full confidence for herself after meeting someone who taught her the ways of a Warlock, and gave her the bells on her uniform which she holds precious to her. She simultaneously uses the largest bell as an Arcane Focus.


Hunni is a young Taiwanese-resembling woman, who's about 5'4 and has long pigtails that curl inward around her waist. Her features are a lot softer compared to her sister, and she is always smiling. Her hair is a dark brown that matches her eyes, and her skin is olive colored. Hunni has vitiligo where some parts of her skin have a lack of pigment. This is noticeable on her face, hands, and torso. Hunni is usually wearing make up; putting black marks under one eye, white marks underneath the remaining eye, red lipstick, and a red clown nose to finish her look. She's never been seen in public without makeup. She is usually wearing a jester's outfit that is slightly altered to be not as over-the top, but still wears a ruff around her neck.The outfit is red, deep brown, and yellow, and sports a lot of diamond checker, Purposefully meant to mis-match in an appealing way. Bells accent her outfit, being on the tips of her robe and shoes. They jingle.

  • No one besides her sister has seen her out of costume.
  • Her makeup can get smudged, but it's quite durable.
  • Her voice is high and squeaky.
  • She smells like popcorn.


Hunni is extremely friendly, and likes to familiarize herself with pretty much anyone. Part of the reason on why she likes to entertain is because she likes the attention from people she hasn't met yet. She really loves to impress. However, most of the relationships she may have aside from her sister are probably just surface level. To most people, Hunni seems to have a one track mind that's comprised of jokes. Out of costume and behind closed doors, she is actually a lot more normal, closer to her sister even. Putting her costume on seems to bring something out of her that otherwise couldn't be there. Her worst nightmare being put out in public without her costume. 

She can be quite greedy, knowing her money situation. This can sometimes lead to her treating people unfairly, or ding unjust things for her own gain. A lot of the time, she won't even feel bad until someone tells her. There's also the fact that it's very hard for Hunni to become done to Earth when she's in costume. She feels like her costume sort of puts her in a permanent mindset that's hard to get out of. Her constant joking can come off as insensitive a lot of the time.

  • She loves porridge. 
  • She's pretty dumb, but can have small moments of wisdom.
  • Flashy is her style, her form of entertaining is loud and exciting. 
  • She cries easy.
"Honk Honk! I wish my nose could do that..."