Millie The Fox



1 year, 11 months ago


Millie is a mobian swift fox whom is a adventurer explorer looking new place to vist and what exciting things she would found.she bit playfull and mischievous and likes to play some harmless tricks on people to see there reaction if her trick has fool 

 is huge tie lover and love outfits like suits and uniforms or any button up collar outfits and would do anything to wear and collect them and she does have decent collection of these outfits.she was given a custom made necktie that her mom made for her since she know her daugther like to collect them.her mother sadly pass away from a heart failure and the two where very close to each to the point doing almost everything together and when she heared the news that her mother die it hurt the most and even since then she wore that tie for special occasions.she work at G.U.N as freelancer agent and as a scout search for any important point of interest that she can report back to HQ.she later lost her left eye when she was being bullied by some thugs who making fun of her obssessions with ties which they called her a werido with one of them going so far to about to cut her necktie that her mother give 
 two thugs try hold her down while the third one was going cut her tie but she mange to break free but not before one of them lost there balance causeing them to cut the left side of millie's face and falling and accidentally stabing millie's eye in the 
process.she was brough to one of G.U.N's hospital and one of the doctor had to surgery remove her damage eye and doctor said she was very lucky as the knife was very close to her brain.the whole incident give her some serious PSTD and she would not talk how she get the eyepatch,

Bio Info



Job:Freelancer G.U.N Scout
