


1 year, 10 months ago


darcy ("descendant of the dark", very fitting), son of gigi and the galaxy renowned jester thief asari! darcy is incredibly chill and laidback, sometimes coming off as a bit lazy and even high. he's very relaxed and tends to go with the flow instead of doing anything crazy or instantaneous, and he tends to get along with most people thanks to how easygoing he is. despite how lazy he comes across as, darcy is actually incredibly powerful and skilled thanks to both of his fathers, wielding dark matter-related powers alongside much of asaris thief related techniques. 

also exists in the starstruck limbo considering how both asari and gigi probably have no interest in having children. their uncles are daroach and gooey, while also having daroach and ricky as their godparents. they're very close with both the starstruck quartet and the squeak squad thanks to their fathers. alongside this, adeleine and ribbon are basically his cousins (since daroach is their found and later adoptive father.)  

fun fact: darcy is a southern viscacha, which is an animal in the same family as chinchillas. i literally was only prompted to make him because i saw a tweet about them and they literally look like chinchilla rabbit hybrids so i couldn't hold myself back.