


6 years, 4 months ago



EthnicityHalf human, half devil
ThemeWe're all demons today


EyesGold (Changes to red in devil form)
HairShaved side, brown/blond on the bottom green/blue on the top


Kami is a protagonist, an independent individual striving for the greater good. Being born of devil and human flesh, his mind is in constant conflict of right from wrong, from good and evil. Kami has a un-blood related younger sister Yumi, he has sworn to protect. Kami's mother died after giving birth. Due to unfortunate circumstances, her human body couldn't handle the birth of Kami. After his birth, his flesh poisoned her body ultimately causing her death. Kami is a sworn decedent of the Devil King Nurarihyon. Kami being his nature, his mind battles and body changes. In order to 'purify' himself, he took it upon himself to become an Exorcist as there were others like him, but others of demons, and vampires. Humans however couldn't notice or see the other demons that walked among them, just the devils, vampires, and demons that walked side by side could sense each others presence. To those who were around demons, or devils could smell sulfur. Kami made it his mission to cleanse the world of evil. However there were struggles Kami faced. He went to Shinto Academy, a school for exorcists they knew of who he was, and his condition. The elders at the academy decided to take him in as a boy in hopes to cleanse his soul, but later on would use him and his blood to summon their own demons. Being that of devil descent he had to wear gloves to carry a crucifix, holy water burned him, causing him to become ill if he inhaled the vapors. The smell of blood set Kami in a frenzy, the devil side of him depended on blood to keep his body from shutting down. When Kami's devil side emerges, he becomes resistant to reason. Unable to control himself, his eyes glow red as his hair darkens to a deep burgundy a purple lightening type marking shows just under the side of his chin that reaches just below his left eye. He unable to respond to or with anyone to pull him out of his chaotic state of mind. With the exception of Yumi, her voice is the only voice that brings him back to reality.

Kami swore to be a man of god, and rid the world of the evil that eagerly awaits to feed on the good beings. Despite being a man of god, he struggles with women. Though he is suppose to abstain from the joys and pleasure of being with a woman. He fills a void in his life, and often finds himself in bed with a different woman almost every night with no desire for a future to settle down with. Kami is torn with the fact he's in love with Yumi and has been since he imprinted on her. Despite his lavish ways with women, his heart belongs to Yumi even though she's under the impression he is her blood related older brother often calling him "Ani" (mine). They spent nearly every waking moment together up until his leave for the Shinto Exorcist Academy when he was 14. He still able to see and know where she is from the imprinting, she being unaware he knew her every move.

Kami usually spends most of his days out at the Shinto academy improving his studies as well as teaching younger exorcists the ways of the world during the day. While Yumi lives at home with her mother, her mother rarely being home Yumi then spending most days at friends houses, as she doesn't like to be alone.

Later on in the years Kami would come and visit Yumi during the summer and winter breaks. They greeted each other like long lost best friends. On a cold faithless night, Yumi was attacked by a group of what appeared to be cloaked bandits no one she had ever encountered. In the process of doing this, her mother was stolen from their home. Kami seeing her anguish rushed home to protect her. Knowing this was going to happen, however it was sooner than expected. Kami then sat her down, telling her the stories of their fathers battle that they weren't actual siblings and confessed his long 30yr crush for her. Yumi sat in shock, unaware of all the unfortunate circumstances. Her feelings for Kami were stronger than she had led on, but felt it was inappropriate as in her mind they were related. With the information provided by Kami, they sat and contemplated their next move.

The so called bandits that attacked Yumi, were not actually bandits. They were from a clan, a clan of vampires. Yumi carries an item inside of her she is unaware of. She also wears a home made silver bell blessed by the high Priest. It acted as a guard for her against the vampires. She was told to always wear the cross, with the cross the scent of the jewel bedded inside her was hidden from the vampires. The jewel is what they needed to resurrect their leader; who was also her father. In the rise of the moment, the vampires grew more aggressive. The demons also sought after the jewel inside her to increase the strength to take over hummanity.

[Still in progress]


  • Yumi
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Being outside
  • Gardening


  • Vampires
  • Demons
  • Other Devils
  • His Father
  • War


  • Blood Sets Him Off
  • Hates Leeks
  • Clean freak
  • Hates most people, but treats them kindly
  • Loves girls in skirts



After Kami's mother died, his father banished him to the human world where his father met Kami's mother Nakita. Placing him in a home with a family, that Yumi was soon to be born to. Kami is 4yrs older than Yumi, at the time of Kami's birth Yumi was not yet born. The family that Kami got dropped off at is a religious family of exorcists. One who was a researcher of the dark realms of the world of demons, devils, and vampires. The man of the home was an older gentlemen with a daughter who was to be Yumi's mother. The older gentlemen also acted as Kami's grandfather. Yumi's mother Hanako or Hana for short, gave birth to Yumi when Kami was four years old. At this time, Kami started to notice changes from the inner devil inside of him. The smell of blood that set him in a frenzy. The voices, the anger, and physical changes. The grandfather decided at this time it was best to start training Kami to control the urges, as Yumi was born he was to treat her as a little sister. During Yumi's birth, she was born in the tub at home, as they didn't believe in hospitals or treatment from the outside world. Kami had imprinted on Yumi the time of her birth. By doing this, he enabled a connection between the two of them. That would later prevent him from ever hurting her if his devil side was to ever emerge with her around. It's the sole reason Yumi is the only voice of reason that can reach him in that state of mind. The imprinting also allows Kami to know where Yumi is at all times, and view the world through her eyes without her even knowing. It's how he has been able to protect her from the vampires that wish to use her as sacrifice to resurrect their clan leader. Little did Yumi know, she was born of human and vampire flesh. Her father was the king of the Vampires who died by the hands of Kami's father Nurarihyon. Kami knew the history of their fathers, and knew the intentions of the vampires. Before the passing of their 'grandfather' he made Kami promise him to always watch over Yumi. As there would be a day the vampires would attempt to bring back their leader and use Yumi for the ritual.