


1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Kaseiko

Gender: Female

Status: Mascot/Fursona/Main Character

Species: N/A

Diet: Varied, willing to try most things at least once

Personality: Laid back/tired, can be lazy at times, passive/shy, a bit stubborn, curious, distractible 

About: Can draw using opposable thumbs. Wrists on fire, but the fire does not burn anything around it. Has traits from cats (big and small), vultures (particularly the griffon vulture), monkey, and bull. Has social anxiety and typically avoids interactions when possible, preferring to spend time alone in a peaceful setting. Favorite areas include forests, places with water features (like waterfalls), the beach (in a private spot), etc. Tends to try to avoid places that are too hot or too cold. Likes animals and nature, bones (especially skulls), sleeping, and sometimes doing art. Often sits hunched over, with neck in a position similar to a vulture. 

Physical features: Retractable Wings (wings look like a griffon vultures). Three emeralds imbedded to the inner wing near the end of the bone at the end (on both wings). Face is like a big cats, with bigger eyes, similar to a smaller cat. Taurus symbol in the middle of forehead. Has cat whiskers and teeth. Eyes are hazel. Eyes react to light, and are more slitted when in high-light conditions, or she is feeling uneasy/threatened; and pupils can be large in low light conditions like at night. Ears are very flexible and can go above or behind horns. Sometimes ears will look more like long wolf ears, and sometimes they can resemble an ungulates, going out to the sides. Horns are like a bull's, and are shaped similar to the symbol taurus, curving inwards towards each other. Long, very fluffy neck, with a large tuft of fur on shoulder, resembling a griffon vulture or border collie. Shorter legs, with normal cat paws on the back, and more hand/monkey-like paws on the front, with opposable thumbs, and are plantigrade. Flames on wrists can sometimes burn her, but do not affect surrounding areas other than light sometimes. All claws are retractable. Belly is slightly chubby, with cat-like "primordial pouch". Because of this, she can be quite squishy. Body is otherwise flexible like a cats. Top of back is darker brown, with double-diamond-like markings with a dot in the center when viewed from above (doesn't have to be exact). Tail is long, monkey-like, and typically curls at the end. The tail fur is very dense, and tail is prehensile. Tail fur at the very end where it curls is slightly iridescent in light, with a green tint. Tail markings are on both sides, and in the shape of the constellation taurus.