
2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Base Value (Species Value):

$35 ($50)

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Nabi Type


Seemingly impossible strength and some kind of Ice related magic. The details are unknown as she seems to rely solely on her strength for the most part. Her breath is cold enough to create frost and storms seem to be offaly convenient when they need to be.


Founder of SaytiaErl, The Kingdom of Broken Glaciers


Old as hell; Grandma but reborn in a younger body

Current Ref




Parents: [ • unknown ]

 Siblings: [ • unknown ]

 Children: [ • unknown ]

Later Generational offspring: [ • Akari (Descendent) • Hazel (Descendant) • Karneval (Descendant) ]

Erebos, Lord of the Setting Nights








• Winter Climates

• Peace and Quiet

• A nice warm campfire under the clear sky

• Watching her enemies faces turn to despair as they realize they’re outclassed and outmatched

• Becoming one with the snow


• Erebos

• Coming across ruins of villages

• Seeing how much has ultimately changed



• Very kept to herself, stubborn/strong willed, uninterested in being social for small talk and a little scary. Some of what she says and does comes off as scary, concerning and twisted but not everyone was ok after the events of the void and leaving a dying world with everyone you knew in it unsure what would happen. And ya know, the void murders. So she’s not totally ok but also was never the most outgoing social butterfly either. Mostly refrains from talking out loud and any small talk unless she wants something from the conversation (She starts to losen up later though). Her silence is caused by mostly two scenarios; she either forgets that’s what you do when other people are around you or just deems it not really worth her time. 


• Founder of the Kingdom of Broken Glaciers, also known as SaytiaErl {Sai-shuh-Air-l} in the modern day. After running the kingdom until it was stable she retired and stayed hidden, occasionally appearing to her descendants to offer guidance, protection or a warning. Nobody but her direct line would ever see her. She was called upon to join the chosen auru in the void. Her descendants ruled as the royal family for a couple of generations after she left to the void before being overthrown in secret and being replaced by the current ruling family. 

• She wasn’t aware of this naturally during her time in the other dimension, and it lowkey got to her when she came back to see the kingdom her family painstakingly raised become what it currently was. Although unlike a lot of information, her founding was one of the things kept in the public books, along with the promise that the void-salkars would return one day. She’s been in hiding since returning, unsure how exactly to go about things and, frankly, whether she even should do something. Nothing stays the same after all, Kingdoms will go through leader changes. Her time is long done. On occasion she will leave but she rarely strays far from the lands she once called home. However something fairly unique to her bloodline was the consistency in having summer and winter coats passed down in genetics. The nabi’s (of this world) coat’s most usually consisted in simple shedding and thickening of fur, not full changes in color. It is said those who’s furs change with seasons are her direct descendants, but obviously nothing is proven. Other alkar would no doubt have such a trait themselves too. But her winter and summer coat were actually part of how she was able to hide for so long. Nobody pays enough attention unless they know exactly what they’re looking for.

• If she has any it’s under strict lock and key. It’s hard to imagine she’d ever have fears

Obtained through-

2022 Breeding Chart Custom Batch
