Would you accept art or character trades for them? (:

I want mostly to sell my Sheep right now and if drawing him i don't want to be in trouble for getting mistaken to give the character after drawing it, you can also share this sheep with your friends! ^^
At least i can accept art on other mine characters, but which type of character you want to draw for free or for another mine character if needed? ^^

That is ok, thank you anyways!

And I did not see any other characters I was interested in, good luck selling them <3

Anytime, that's absolutely fine to know! :3

Hello, i know it's been 7 Months but if needed you wish a better Freebie custom sheep (Better than this) or is fine?

Thank you so much for gifting me the sheep, sadly I don't really have a place for them anymore, I definitely do appreciate it!!

That's absolutely fine and helpful for me and of course! ^^ 

Thanks by the way too! ^^

4 Replies