Morgana ★



6 years, 4 months ago


Warrior of Ishim

Wrath Love Fear


When You Erupt, Girl, Make Sure It Is Felt Across Worlds

Name Morgana Called Mor
Age Unknown D.o.B. Unknown
Gender Female Pronouns She Her They
Height 5"4 Build long limbs and short torso- narrow shoulders and wide hips
Demeanor Cold/distant Style Tropical
Race Ishimi Origin Ishim


Motivation - Goals -
Disposition - Outlook Optimist turned pessimist
  • Being surrounded by allies
  • Flying
  • Fish
  • The smell of forests
  • Loss
  • Feeling/being trapped
  • Pickles



Hello, human. My name is Morgana. Despite my current appearance you might be surprised to know that I am a dragon. My rider, Ayda Shevaris, was a very beautiful and fierce warrior who dominated the battle field with her cunning wit and overpowering strength. Ayda was known far and wide for her power and I have proudly fought along side her for many years. Most of which made up my life after she found my egg and hatched me.


Arc One

We were inseparable she and I. During the Great War against the King of Camlhan, who sought to over through our Kingdom of Ishim, the two of us were unstoppable on the battlefield. With the swing of her sword hundreds would fall under her blade, and with the snap of my teeth hundreds more met their end. I must admit, despite all of the grief and anguish of war, that I have never felt more alive then I was then, surrounded by enemies whom I fought viciously alongside my rider. But the life of a dragon rider is a dangerous one, and although she was powerful she was still just a human. My only wish is that I hadn't overestimated that strength and had been there to protect her...

Arc Two

Despite our advances, the Great War waged on for three long years. Both sides never seeming to get too far ahead before falling back down. Our once peaceful lands were now stained with the blood of thousands of innocents, our rivers were near black from the battlefields, the farmers could no longer grow crops. Our country was reaching famine and the soldiers of Camlhan seemed to have the advantage over us with their numbers and supplies. The light of hope was flickering as a great depression washed over Ishim. But it seems that the two of us were stronger in other ways as well. The people would look to us for support as we gradually fought back the Camlhan soldiers. During a specific battle, while evading soldiers, Ayda had stumbled across a pit filled with Ishim prisoners. I knew her kind heart and warned her that we must retreat for now for the Camlhan soldiers were closing in. I assured her we'd come back for the prisoners when we were more prepared but of course she wouldn't listen.( *chuckle*) We barely made it out of there alive! But she did it. That woman freed the hundred or so slaves and got them away from the enemy camp.The soldiers were not too happy about that! As soon as the prisoners were clear we meant to quickly fly away before the soldiers realized what had happened. But a young man I believe, was the one who found us about to make away. Poor thing was scared out of his wits and had fallen over a pile of pots while trying to get away. (I mean honestly, Ayda isn't THAT terrifying! Although I admit she could use some grooming. Anyways.) The crash alerted some nearby guards who rudely began firing arrows at us. I can still have a scar where one of those horrible arrows punctured my wing as I leapt into the sky! But besides that we got away with few wounds and a victory.

Arc Three

After Ayda's little display our people began having hope that we would be able to fight back. Ayda rallied together more soldiers and together they set up a trap for the King of Camlhan. If everything went well we would have won the war. But it was not to be. Somehow the King knew we were coming and was more than prepared. We lost many good men that night, men whom we'd fought alongside for many years and trusted with our lives. I was captured and chained with metal I had never seen. And despite my strength as a dragon I could not break the chains no matter how hard I tried. Ayda was beat before me until she could barely stand then was thrown to my feet where I protected her as our men were brought forward to stand. They were all tortured mercilessly before our eyes, given long, slow deaths until they could no longer scream. My life has been lived on the battlefield..And I have seen much death..But I have never heard screams of the like to those. It was like an animal being shredded limb by limb in ways that kept them alive to experience the pain. After the King was through with them..he.. he took her from me. He gave her the choice of killing us both or letting her sacrifice herself, for me! I told her I'd rather die together than go on living without her. Like the fool she was she chose to let herself be free while I was left to suffer in grief. He tortured her right before my eyes until she took her last breath. The rage and grief I felt that night was like nothing I had ever let before. All I wanted to do was destroy this world that let my sweet Ayda die. I've tried and tried but to this day I still can't remember what happened after that moment. The last thing I remember was seeing my rider's mangled body and leaping at the King. Then I woke up aching all over and with a horrible headache. My senses felt clouded as if I was swimming around in thick oil. I was in some sort of prison cell. It wasn't until a few heartbeats later when I realized what exactly had happened. In order to contain my power and prevent me from destroying everything and everyone, the King had me trapped in a human body. I found my self remarkably weaker than I had once been but I still maintained some of my original power. With that I was able to escape and find the King. *smirk* he never should have underestimated me despite my new body. I took my time killing him in his sleep. No one knew what I had done until I was long gone.

With grief in my heart I no longer cared what the humans did amongst themselves. So I left. It has been 1500 years since the night I lost my rider and was I prisoner in this immortal body. I've been trying to find away to break this curse so that I may inact my rage on the world then end my suffering and join Ayda above.


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Theme Dragon wanderer MBTI ISTP
Orientation Desert Kingdom Paradise Sign Scorpio
Sin Wrath Virtue Justice
Flower Pink Carntion
