


1 year, 10 months ago


Full Name: Hayden Peralta

Pronouns: They/them

Age: Late 20's

Height: 5'6

Hayden is an ordinary person with one small problem; their body periodically falls apart in chunks, and occasionally grows teeth, eyes, and other unsavory parts in the holes left over.

They weren’t always like this. Even working two jobs and barely spending money on anything, it was hard to make ends meet for their apartment’s rent, and when they saw the offer from the local medical research facility that said they’d pay people to inject them with dubious chemicals, they didn’t see life-altering, borderline supernatural chronic pain; they saw a way to not end up homeless in a week.
So it was quite the shock when their eye fell right out of the socket 2 days later. 

The facility gave them extra compensation for their missing eye and actively decaying body, but besides a once-every-2-months checkup and some pills to stop it from rapidly spreading, Hayden had no aide in dealing with the holes.

During the once-every-other-month checkup, all hell broke loose in the laboratory when a police investigation into the facility went horribly wrong, and Hayden had their fateful first meeting with the two people that would both save their life and make it hell, Travis Fenwick and Mai.