Oliver Lambert



1 year, 11 months ago


name ⇢ Oliver Lambert
age ⇢ 19
birthday ⇢ 6548
orientation ⇢ Demisexual/Panromantic
gender ⇢ Demiboy
pronouns ⇢ he/they
species ⇢ Cerulean Marble Fox
height ⇢ 5'3" / 160cm
affiliation ⇢ n/a
colour association ⇢ Magenta
mana/magic type ⇢ Echobiokinesis / Manipulation of the body though the use of user generated sounds. (Basic-Tier Mastery)
- Depending on the type of vibrations the user emits it cuts off one of the six senses of the people around the user.
- Can cut off more than one sense at a time if practiced.
life goal ⇢ To be loved for what he is and live quietly.
playlist ⇢ n/a

⇢ Oliver Lambert was born to a single mother, his father leaving before he was even born. Leaving him to a very unstable mother who he barely even remembers because he was taken away from her for a reason he isn't aware of. (He was taken away because his mother ended up ending her own life because of a suicide by drug overdose. She was very unstable and honestly it was better that he was taken away from her because even if she lived I doubt she would have given him a good home.) He ends up in a low-budget orphanage packed full of many other troubled kids. He grows up very quiet and not speaking often as he wouldn't be heard over the other louder kids. He had his own little hole in the wall he dug out full of his bed sheets, clothes and own belongings. When he awakened his magic ability around the age of 5 or 6, everyone very quickly figured out what it did and he was promptly put in a muzzle at all times, well almost all times. Only in the orphanage and school because those were the only locations where he lingered long enough to be considered dangerous and an issue. It didn't matter that he didn't want to talk or make any noise anyway. People wanted to be *safe* and *wary* so they muzzled him anyway. They didn't care how tight on it was, how the metal digged into his skin causing constant pain and infections. How he became tired and lethargic because of it. He quickly learned in life that nobody was ever going to trust him. Love him. Or any of the sorts. So he kept to himself, taking constant walks through the forests and cities around his 'home' so that he wouldn't have to wear that fucking muzzle. So he wouldn't have to basically be forced to smell the rust and blood caked onto it. Eventually the light faded from his eyes and he only lived because it was frowned upon to die. He just woke up and learnt things at school, would walk until he got tired and go to bed. Repeat upon infinitum. Until one day when someone decided to pay attention. The person who payed attention is another kid at his school named Maxwell Tailou. He was much taller than him and more stocky and practically loomed over him. He was moderately well liked. The perfect definition of "just okay I guess." He also didn't talk much but that was mainly because he never had something interesting to say. Well. He did have one interesting thing to say. And that was questions about Oliver. He noticed that Oliver was alone. Walking about as a shell with nothing to do. He noticed how uncomfortable he looked as he always had that metal cage locked over his muzzle. He noticed the way Oliver flinched when anybody did anything near him. He noticed how *wrong* this was. So he would take time out of his day to start talking to him. Even if Oliver could only reply by writing down things on scraps of paper. He learnt that Oliver's favorite color was Magenta, specifically the muted ones that would dance on the sky as the sun sets over the park. That his favorite food was Penne Pasta with Grated Cheese and Ketchup, that he could only have it on birthdays because that was the only time the orphanage gave a minor fuck about him. He learnt that Oliver had no family because nobody wanted to adopt someone who could choose to disable them at any time. He learnt that he was alone. And decided that he didn't want Oliver to be alone. So he offered himself to him and in response Oliver learnt a lot of things. Oliver learnt that Maxwell's magic made him a living lightning rod, able to absorb electricity and store it for later. He learnt that Maxwell's markings glowed in the dark. He learnt that you should be careful standing next to Maxwell in storms because he would be struck every 2 to 20 minutes by lightning. He learnt that because of it Maxwell can't hear as well because of the loud sounds of being struck by lightning caused to his ears. He learned that Maxwell had an ugly sense of fashion that was somewhat charming despite that. He learnt how to throw darts. He learnt that it was okay to ask for his muzzle to be cleaned. He learnt it was okay to ask to have it loosened slightly. He learnt that some touches are soft and loving. He learnt that other people feel warm. He learnt that not everyone has the same endurance he has and get tired legs easily. He learnt how to sit in a hammock. He learnt how to sneak his belongings out of the orphanage without being caught. (Not that the place would miss him anyway.) He learnt how to make a bedroom inside of Maxwell's attic through the hole in his bedroom roof. He learnt how to sleep somewhere that was warm. He learnt that Maxwell wasn't afraid of his magic at all. Not afraid of him at all. That he trusted him entirely. That he didn't have to wear the muzzle at all anymore. He learnt how to use his own voice without fear of other people. He learnt how to laugh and grin. He learnt that even though Maxwell is lovely and nice, his own mother is not the same. That Maxwell's mom was cruel and critical to everything Maxwell did even though he was one of the kindest and sweetest people to everyone he meets. That even if people are mean to Maxwell, he would reciprocate with kindness in hopes that the others would change their mind. That Maxwell's mom cared more about his little brother than she did with Maxwell.

⇢ They both learnt that the only people who cared about him were each other.

⇢ Maxwell learnt that Oliver had another side to him one day when his mother barged into his room and started yelling at him about something he didn't even do. His brother had made a mess again and she was blaming the fact that it wasn't cleaned up on him. She didn't care that Maxwell shouldn't be the one cleaning up after his little brother and that the kid should clean after himself. She blamed it all on Maxwell. The noise must have awakened and irritated Oliver. That's the only reason he could have made at the time when his blue friend crawled out of his roof into the room and stood between him and his mother and started *screaming* back at her. His duo-tone eyes full of a rage he had never seen before. All while Oliver screamed at his mother calling her out for her actions and how she was a bitch for favoring his younger brother over him just because he was smaller and cuter and more naive. At the end of their screaming match Oliver was practically shaking in rage, fluffy tails and ears twitching wildly in irritation before Maxwell put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look back at Maxwell's concerned gaze and promptly snap out of it and realize what he's done. Eyes widening and looking misty in a way that seemed that he was starting to look *through* Maxwell, as if he wasn't there, or as if Oliver himself wasn't there. Before promptly saying some quiet apologies before scuttling back into his hole in the roof and curling up in his bed and shaking. Maxwell's mother leaves the room and the electric boy was torn between apologizing to his mother on Oliver's behalf and checking on Oliver. He thinks for a moment. About what Oliver yelled and the fact that... he was mostly right. He promptly decided his mother didn't deserve an immediate apology and so he checked up on Oliver instead. Going into the roof and ending up giving his friend a hug, getting koala gripped back while Oliver apologized profusely. Maxwell didn't accept the apologies. Oliver did the right thing anyway, why should he apologize. Oliver continued, explaining that he didn't know why he did it. That something inside him that he's only felt before when defending himself from harm woke up again and wanted to defend Maxwell too. Oliver cried as he continued apologizing and Maxwell just gently rested his head on top of Oliver's as he rubbed his back to help calm him down. Once Oliver had calmed down and fallen back asleep. (It was Saturday, Oliver tended to spend most of Saturday's sleeping. Maxwell considers it him catching up on sleep he didn't get in the past.) He walked into the lounge room where his mother sat on the couch reading something on her phone. Maxwell considered it safe to continue with what he wanted to say. He wasn't going to is his younger brother was there. After all it's not the kid's fault for being loved more than he was. Yes he was a little jealous but it wasn't his younger brother's fault so there's no reason to bring him into this or make him witness heavy conversations such as this. He sat cross-legged on the floor across from her in front of the coffee table. He didn't feel comfortable sitting next to her on the couch and he didn't wanna sit on one of the side chairs and strain his neck by looking to the side for an undetermined amount of time. He started saying he didn't come out to apologize which immediately got his mother's attention. After all, Maxwell usually took himself for the one at fault and was kind back, so it was strange that he wasn't doing that pattern of behavior as usual and was deviating from it. He said to his mother that he didn't like the way he was being treated compared to his brother, that he deserves better, after all, his brother isn't the only son his mother has and he would like to be treated equally. His mother retorts saying that she is the one that runs this house and that her word is law, that he's not the adult and that he shouldn't be the one to criticize her actions as he couldn't possibly comprehend the stress of being an adult and that he should be lucky she even lets him live in her house. Maxwell argues that what she's saying is ridiculous and flawed and that she would never say something like that to the other child who she loves and that she's once again being delusional. So in response, his mother tells him to get his "freak of a boy-toy" and get the fuck out of her house, and that if they're not out by the end of tomorrow she'll force them out. Maxwell shouts in retaliation about this because what the fuck, and promptly gets his mother's phone to collide with his face as she's thrown it at him to make him shut up. He holds his paw to his bruising face, resisting the urge to pick up the damn thing and fry it's stupid circuits until it explodes. So he just gets up and goes back to his room and picks up his own blankets, shoving some parts into his mouth to bite down and scream his frustrations out on. After he's calmed down he simply picks up his own phone and begins to look up things he should need to take if wandering around for a new home, long time travel, etc, and begins packing the biggest bag he can find before getting tired and going to bed. He's woken up the next morning by Oliver, who's once again apologizing for yesterday and asking if Maxwell is okay. Maxwell sits him down next to him and explains what happened between him and his mother after Oliver fell asleep and gestured towards the half-packed bag. Oliver takes the news surprisingly well. And by well I mean he doesn't display any emotion and simply accepts that they're both absolutely fucked.  Oliver could go back to the orphanage but he's not even sure they would take him back, and he doesn't want to go back. So he finds the next biggest two carry bags and begins packing his own belongings into them, deciding to simply join Maxwell because after all, he kind of is the reason he was finally kicked out. At least in his eyes he is. So by the early afternoon they both are ready to just fuck off from this place. Bags full of clothes, hygiene essentials, non-perishable food, many water bottles (despite the weight, fuck), favorite items, money stolen straight out of his mother's purse and room. (Take that, Bitch.) Ready to wander the world aimlessly looking for a warm and safe place to call home. Realizing that they're probably not going to find any luck in this city where they currently are since they would both be in the system and if found by police or something, Oliver would be returned to the orphanage that he hated and Maxwell would be returned to his mother who would probably do much worse things than throw her phone at him for having to pay a fine for child abuse or worse.  So they resort to stalking out in the bushes near the train station's depo. Looking for specifically one of the lines that delivered things cross-country wise. After all, hopping on a train and waiting a few days or week and end up somewhere across the huge continent they're on sounds pretty good. Hell, maybe they can get to the ocean. Both of them had never seen the ocean and it sounded like a fun place to go. So why not. Eventually they find a train with many wooden carts starting to pull out of the station, so before the train gets to a speed where it'd be too dangerous to get on, they dash to it and jump on the sides, crawling up the side ladders, helping each other up before Maxwell uses his electric magic to super heat the claws on his fingers to cut through some of the boards on the side of the cart, making it so they can enter it and put the boards carefully back to successfully leave the station without any of the lookout guards realizing there are people hitchhiking on it. Once they're far enough out they move the boards again, letting light into the cart, finding out that the one they chose is simply moving a bunch of hay bales. Pretty lucky because they're good for insulating heat and are more comfortable to sleep on then crates of boxes or something. After leaving their bags inside the cart they end up crawling back out through the hole and sitting on the top of the train cart, watching the fields pass them by. Sitting together in silence. One paw on top of the other. And for once. They feel at peace. For now.