
Momoko Asahina

When you lose a loved cherish that person's memory. It's never a burden... You just...want to do whatever you can. Whatever you make her proud... You just want you do!
Momoko to Shun Kazami
Momoko Asahina
Voiced by Aki Toyosaki (Japanese)
Hynden Walch (English)
Personal Description
Age 12 (BB)
17 and 18(MS)
Gender Female.pngFemale
Race Human
Status Alive
Faction Battle Brawlers
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance
Order of the Castle Knights (Formerly)
Occupation Baker
Main Attribute df9j0xa-e6a624e0-53d2-4b35-947d-024985abHaos
Guardian Bakugan Saber Tigrerra

Momoko Asahina (朝日奈 桃子, Asahina Momoko),is one of the characters of the anime series Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Momoko is the Haos brawler of the Battle Brawlers, partnered with Haos Saber Tigrerra.

She is Shun Kazami and Dan Kuso's childhood friend, and used to play Bakugan together, as well as forming up the rules. Momoko has an older brother, Yudai Asahina, who is the leader of the largest deliquent gang in the world and both of them live with their aunt, Sachiko Shinohara after their mother's death. She used to live in Bayview in Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders, but prior to Evil Arrival, Momoko and her family has moved to Bakugan City.By the events of Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge, Momoko follows her mother's steps and becomes the owner of the best bakery in the city, however she still finds time for both her job and to brawl alongside her firends.

Momoko is a young and pretty girl with peachy skin, big rounded blue to pink gradient eyes with a bit of purple in the center, and fluffy blonde hair, which was previously styled on twintails, held by sherbet pink bows.

In Bakugan Battle Brawlers, Momoko wears a baggy pink off shoulder shirt with horizontal white stripes with a layered bubblegum pink skirt with suspenders that rest on her shoulders. She has white stockings and black shoes with big bows on the center.

In New Vestroia, Momoko's outfits matches her attribute Haos, wearing white with orange and yellow color scheme. She wears an orange shirt with a small white ribbon, with a white top shirt, yellow skirt, white stockings and orange shoes. She also has a pink scrunchy rapped around her left wrist.

Momoko's casual wear in Gundalian Invaders is an orange and yellow top, with a fluffy white shirt above with multi colored buttons, shorts, orange and yellow stockings, and the same orange shoes she had in New Vestroia.

In Mechtanium Surge, Momoko wears an off shoulder yellow shirt with white shorts, orange socks and white shoes.

Momoko is an extremely bubbly, over-friendly, and cheerful girl who is described as being airheaded, optimistic, talkative, and innocent, coming across as "childlike" in many aspects. She has a very positive demeanor and rarely seems to harbor negative emotions, always seeing the bright side of the situation. Momoko always finds happiness in even the smallest things, and cherishes every moment of it, as well as wanting to share this feeling with her friends. She befriends others right after meeting them and is endlessly curious who often asks bunch of questions when meeting someone. Momoko has many interests, However, one thing that remains constant after her mother's death is baking. She has a deep passion for pastry baking that at such a young age she has already learnt making complicated desserts while helping her aunt taking over the buisness. This became a crucial part for Momoko as this is what builds her as an overly passionate person. She plays as the group's pillar, the one who does her best to keep her friends together and acts as the one to lift up their spirits and the situation seems hopeless, she is always there to tell them otherwise and encourage them to do their best. She is warm and welcoming towards everyone she meets (even to her detriment), rarely, even never holds grudges, and is non-discriminatory, never treating anyone with prejudice, even enemies. No matter the situation, Momoko will always go out of her way to support her loved ones, even if it means putting her life on the line and she will avoid resorting to violence if possible. She would much rather make a compromise and choose to reason than fight back.

Momoko might seem unintelligent due to her not thinking things through which leads to opponents underestimating her and thinking of her as an easy target. As well as she is quite gullible and extremely naive. Regardless of these flaws, Momoko geniuinely Works hard and gives all she has to help and offer her assistance when it's needed. It has grown to the point where she ignores her own needs completely and focuses on pleasing others so that she is accepted. That grown as a habit so much, that it formed to a severe level of Autophobia( fear of abandonment) which was resulted since the day her mother passed away. Despite her lighthearted facade, Momoko hides some lack of self-esteem that causes her to try to make everybody around her happy as an attempt to make herself happy. Her relationship with her friends and other people's happiness are her main coping mechanisms since she believes that if she makes everyone else happy, she will not have a reason whatsoever to be unhappy. And ever since she met the Brawlers and many other of her friends she makes down the line, she admits that they are the only thing she needs and that they are the thing that make her incredibly happy.

Despite her ditzy and scatterbrained personality, Momoko is incredibly fragile and sensitive deep inside. She seeks approval by those around her and is incredibly scared of being left behind. The thought of it terrifies her deeply which is the reason why she puts so much effort into pleasing others. She has trouble understand who is manipulating her, as he belives there is kindness in everyone and that no one is truley evil. She is extremely compassionate, empathetic and pure hearted, with a heart made of gold. She is the only one of the brawlers who never considered their opponents as enemies or evil, thinking that they must've been through a lot to turn out they way they do. Momoko was also the only person who treats villains with kindness and even sometimes defending them, to some of her teammates' annoyance. She has hard time standing up for herself and can be pretty indecisive, which leads to either her friends deciding for her or Tigrerra guiding her to her answer. Momoko easily gets confused on what to do, both during brawling or every day life. However she works it out later on. Momoko later builds more courage and in alter seasons she becomes more mature, and having more common sense, as well as being against the Baku Nano, concerned that it cn potentially hurt someone and is against violence overall. Momoko is incredibly loyal to her friends, especially Tigrerra and her boyfriend Shun, ready to do anything for them no matter the cost.

Even though she doesnt look like it, Momoko can be extremely fierce in battle. Fileld with determination and strong will, she would face opponents if its really needed, especially when her friends' lives depend on it. It was proven when Shun got kidnapped by Shadow Prove and taken to Beta city, Momoko didn't waste a minute and went to New Vestroia and brawled for his safety. It was one of the very rare times she was ever seen to be serious and level headed. During these kinds of battles, she expresses her deep love and loyalty towards her friends and her Bakugan, as she doesnt care about the outcome, because in the end, she doesnt fight for her sake, but for the sake of those she cares for.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Momoko is a Haos Brawler. Her Guardian Bakugan is Haos Tigrerra, a white tiger-like Bakugan. When Tigrerra evolved, she became Blade Tigrerra and her final evolution is Saber Tigrerra. At first, Momoko wasn't the strongest amongst the Brawlers due to her lack off strategy skills and getting confused easily. However as the series progress, Momoko greatly improves. Being a fast learner, she is able to see her mistakes and what she did wrong and is able to work them put later on. Momoko often attacks her opponents without a clue if what she's supposed to do which leads to people underestimatingher and thinking of her as an easy target. She rarely worked with strategy, but when she does her enemies are in serious trouble.

Battle Brawlers

Haos Tigrerra (Guardian Bakugan) Haos Griffon (Minor Guardian Bakugan) Haos Saurus Haos Siege Haos Tuskor Haos Hynoid Haos Centipoid Haos Juggernoid Haos Robotallion Haos Mantris Haos Serpenoid Haos Ravenoid Haos Terrorclaw Haos Manion Haos Monarus Haos Falconeer Haos Stinglash Haos Reaper (Never used)

New Vestroia

Haos Blade Tigrerra (First Guardian Bakugan- Reunited with in episode 26) Haos Aerogan (Second Guardian Bakugan - Received in episode 5) Haos Freezer (Recovered from the Vexos; Given by Mira) Haos Verias (Recovered from the Vexos; Given by Mira) Haos Hexstar (Bakugan Trap)

Gundalian Invaders

Haos Saber Tigrerra (Guardian Bakugan) Haos Lumagrowl (Obtained in Episode 37 due to Kazarina's death) Haos Fangoid Haos Merlix Silver Spartablaster (Battle Gear)

Mechtanium Surge

Haos Saber Tigrerra (Guardian Bakugan) Haos Lumagrowl (Second Guardian Bakugan) Haos Aerogan (Temporarily fighting alongside Tigrerra and Lumagrowl; Returned to New Vestroia)

Momoko is overall a skilled Brawler. At the beginning she wasnt one of the best, but with a lot of effort and learning from past mistakes, she became better and . was ranked Top 6th in the world by the end of the first season. She continiues to hold that record for the future as well, however by Mechtanium Surge she is ranked 4th. Some say she is one of the strongest Haos brawlers ever, being able to defeat opponents stronger than her.

Momoko's style of battling is not always bright or well-thought-out, as her personality is ditzy and scatterbrained, though during such times or when she carefully plans out her tactics, her strategies are effective often resulting in her victory.

Battle Brawlers

Opponent Outcome
Masquerade Lose(was not shown)
Unknown brawlers Win
Tatsuya Win(due to strategy)
Takashi and Kosuke( Tag with Marucho) Win (wasn't shown)
Shun Kazami ( Tag with Marucho) Lose
Chan Lee Lose
Klaus von Hertzon, Chan Lee, and Julio Santana (Tag with Dan and Marucho ) Win (due to Drago's evolution) (eliminated)
Masquerade (Tag with Shun, Juile, and Marucho) Lose (on purpose)
Illusionari Shun Win
Dan Kuso Lose
Tayghen and Hairadee (Tag with Dan, Shun, Marucho, and Julie) Win (retreated)
Tricloid and Rabeeder (Tag with Dan and Julie) Win
Centorrior and Druman (Tag with Dan, Marucho, Julie, Klaus, Julio, Billy and Komba) Win
Hal-G( Tag with the Battle Brawlers) Win (due to the power of Bakugan and humans)

New Vestroia

Opponent Outcome
Shadow Prove(To Save Shun) Lose(taken hostage)
Lync Volan (Tag with Baron) Win
Lync Volan Win
Lync and Volt Luster( Tag with Baron) Win
Mylene Farrow and Lync( Tag with Mira) Lose
Mylene Win
Zenoheld( Tag with the Resistance, Spectra,Gus, and Hydron) Win

Gundalian Invaders

Opponent Outcome
Jake Vallory Win(due to Jake's inexperience)
Arkale Win
Jesse Glenn and Zenet (Tag with Shun) Win
Ren Krawler Lose
Airzel and Kazarina( Tag with Shun) Lose
Brainwashed Brawlers (Tag with Shun, Dan, Marucho, Jake and Castle Knights) Win
Gill, Kazarina, Stoica, and Airzel( Tag with the Battle Brawlers) Win
Gill and Airzel(Tag with Jake) Lose Gundalian Bakugan( Tag with Shun, Dan and Marucho ) Win
Gill Win (due to Drago's rage)
Nurzak and Airzel (Tag with Fabia) Win
Lena Isis and Zenet Win Koji Beetle Win Kazarina Win Kazarina(Tag with Fabia) Win(due to opponent's death) Ren Krawler and Jesse Glenn (Tag with Jake and Fabia) Win (due to Ring Zero being flipped) Barodius, Stoica, Airzel, and various Gundalian Soldiers (Tag with The Battle Brawlers, the Gundalian Agents (except Sid), The Castle Knights, and Nurzak) Lose (due to Dharak's new power)

Mechtanium Surge

Opponent Outcome
Bakugan Interspace Bralwers Win(offscreen)
Zenthon(Tag with Shun,Dan and Marucho) No Outcome (opponent teleported away)
Bash Brothers (Tag with Shun) Win
Unknown Pyrus brawler Win
Unknown Aquos and Haos Brawlers Win
Unknown Pyrus Brawler Win
Unknown Darkus Brawler Win
Unknown Ventus Brawler Win Unknown Pyrus and Subterra Brawlers Win
Unknown Brawlers Win (Offscreen)
Silent Strike( Tag with Paige, Rafe and Shun) No outcome
Chaos Bakugan (Tag with Shun and Marucho) Win Zenthon( Tag with Shun, Marucho, Paige, Rafe and Spectra) Lose Mag Mel (Tag with Dan, Shun, Marucho, Paige, Rafe, Ren and Gundalian Soldiers) Lose Chaos Bakugan(Tag with Marucho) Lose Chaos Bakugan(Tag with Shun) Win Mag Mel, Anubias, and Sellon( Tag with Battle Brawlers( Except Spectra),Team Anubias, and Team Sellon ) Win Anunbias and Sellon( Tag with Shun, Dan and Marucho) Win Mag Mel( Tag with Shun and Spectra) Lose Razen Titan Army, Dreadeon clones, and Chaos Bakugan( Tag with Battle Brawlers( Except Dan), Team Anubias, Team Sellon and Gus ) Win Unknown Darkus brawler Win Unknown Subrerra brawler Win Coredegon, Slycerak, Exostriker, and Mandibor (Tag with Dan, Shun and Marucho) Win (due to Draganoid destroyer) (eliminated) Wiseman (Tag with Shun, Marucho and Dan) Win Wiseman(Tag with Shun) Win (due to Shun's Bakugan combining and Aerogan being able to jump high) Wiseman(Tag with Dan,Shun and Marucho) Lose (due to opponent revealing his true form) Coredegon, Slycerak, Exostriker, and Mandibor( Tag with Shun, Dan and Marucho) Lose Mechtavius Destroyer(Tag with Shun, Marucho, Dan and Gunz ) (due to human and Bakugan bond)
  • Nomenclature:
    • Momoko's given name is written with the kanji character for "peach"(桃) momo, followed by common suffix for girls' names meaning "child"(子) ko.
    • Momoko's surname is written as 朝日奈, comprising of the kanji for "morning" (朝) asa, "sun" (日) hi and 奈, na, a kanji most associated with the word 奈落 (naraka), meaning hell, or rock bottom. Thus her surname can be read to mean "the sunny morning even in the worst circumstances". This is references the fact Momoko's positive view in even tough situations and her role as the team's pillar and sign of hope.
  • Momoko, Dan, and Julie are the second youngest out of the six original Battle Brawlers.
  • Out of all the Battle Brawlers' Haos brawlers, Momoko is the only human.
  • Momoko's hairstyle makes her resemble one of the main characters from Winx Club, Stella(/Believix hairstyle).
  • Momoko is the only one of the Battle Brawlers(except Dan) to not change her Bakugan partner in every season, as Tigrerra is still with her.
  • As well as Momoko is the only one amongst the Brawlers to have two Bakugan partners in Mechtanium Surge, having Tigrerra and Lumagrowl with her
  • Like Alice, Momoko's outfit color scheme did not match her attribute in the first season, but in the next seasons and onwards she now matches her attribute Haos
  • Momoko has the same english voice actor, Hynden Walch, who is also famous for her portrayals as Starfire from Teen Titans, Harley Quinn from The Batman, and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure time
  • Her Japanese voice actor Aki Toyosaki is famous for her roles as Kofuku from Noragami, Yui Hirasawa from K-ON!, Momo Velia Deviluke from To Love Ru,