Cassandra Hall



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Cassandra Hall


Cas, Cassie (jokingly by friends)






He/him + She/her

Sexuality + Gender Identity

Lesbian + Transmasc

Significant Other

Alexa Ramos

Cabin Group



Cas only likes to be called Cas, and not Cassandra. His full name is reserved for his mother. Cas is the main protagonist of Camp Honeyhouse.

Physical Description:
- His ginger hair is completely natural, she has a sister, Naomi, who has brown hair who constantly makes fun of her for the ginger hair
- Dark brown eyes
- Very lanky, she's not very active
- Trying to grow out her hair (he isn't exactly sure how to style it, so he wears beanies most of the time)
- Wears binders
- Very comfy clothing style, consists of mainly hoodies

His mother sends him to Camp Honeyhouse as she's begun to worry about Cas's "weed problem," as she calls it. Cas's mother feels that the nature and the outdoor air could 'cleanse' Cas's lungs, and that exploring the great wide outdoors would be a much better alternative than spacing out and smoking weed in their basement with her stoner friends. Cas is begrudged to go, but is then thrilled by the idea when he finds out through word of mouth that Lex will be attending the camp as well during the summer. He was never really the outdoorsy type, but anything to spend more time with his long-time crush, right? Besides, you can get plenty of quality time with your crush when you get lost in a forest with them!

Cas is your stereotypical chill, laidback, slightly weird stoner, though that chill nature can be easily broken from inconveniences and when talking to crushes (cough Lex cough). Eccentric is one word to describe her. She has a very childish sense of humour and always cracks jokes, sometimes at the worst times possible. Towards other people, he has a very open friendliness, even to people he doesn't particularly like. This may or may not be a factor that comes with him being high all the time. This open friendliness can come across as passive aggressive to some people, but Cas could care less. When needed, Cas can actually be quite intelligent, despite not ever showing it. When asked for an opinion about something, he is brutally honest, except for when the person asking is his crush, then Cas will make it sound incredibly nice and sweet (it's how her friends can tell when she likes someone).  Cas is highly rebellious and gets in trouble on a weekly basis.

Cas lives with her mother and younger 13 year old sister, Naomi. He has a good relationship with Naomi, but this close bond is not very obvious to onlookers, as they both like teasing and making fun of each other (it's their way of affection). She's known she was a lesbian ever since she was 10, and is openly gay. Despite this, he has only ever had one girlfriend and numerous crushes in the past (he isn't very good at making a move). Lex is his second girlfriend ever. Cas is still in good terms with her first girlfriend, Ellie, in fact, they're both still very close friends.

Extra notes! —
- She smokes weed (people can't tell whether she's high or not, she seems to act the same)
- He's very into films, is a part of the school's film club
- This interest in films also branches out to her interest in photography and filmmaking
- Owns a walkman
- Since his sister is on the school volleyball team, Cas makes an effort to go to every single one of her games, even her practices