


1 year, 10 months ago


Impossing and stoic, Myruts has been continuously job hopping for years, never staying at one place or in one field for very long. He used to dream of being a comedian or even a writer of some kind. That is, until he realized 1) puns (his favorite art form) are not exactly high brow and paying and 2) he's incredibly social awkward and could never be a performer. So he figured he might as well get "a real job" even though his heart has never been it. He picked up work with a (honestly pretty shady) ship crew and started as a basic dockhand. When other crew members noticed that not only could Myruts write but he had nice-ass handwriting to boot, he was recommended the position of scribe for the ship's log. It's... not exactly what he dreamed of but it is nice to be appreciated for his writing in some way... this also lead to him getting closer to Arcelio, who quickly becomes a valued friend as he's one of the first Myruts has met who seems to genuinely enjoy his sense of humor. (Now Myruts just needs to figure out how he's supposed to handle the very obvious crush Arcelio has on him....)