


1 year, 9 months ago



"I heard there'll be shooting stars out tonight. Come see them with me?"

A celestial lynx who accidentally fell to Earth as a shooting star. People who don't know him mistake him for an icy spirit when he's really just quiet. In truth, he's inquisitive, impulsive, and fun-loving.

Atlan studies the art of dream crafting. He has powerful celestial magic and is curious about life on earth. He wants to travel and strives to learn more about phenomena on this planet. In his freetime, he daydreams and studies the stars.


Name Atlan
Age looks 25
Gender male (he/him)
Species celestial cat
Height 170cm / 5'7"
Occupation dream crafter, traveler
Demeanor gentle and curious

  • stargazing
  • scrolls/books
  • snow
  • glowing things

  • pitch darkness
  • extreme heat
  • content
  • content

Design Notes

  • There are stars and mini constellations in his hair and tail. They twinkle and sparkle. His hair and tail are both super fluffy, with a 4 color gradient
  • His human ears are optional, but his lynx ears are not. Without human ears, his earrings are just clipped to the ends of his hair
  • He's got little fangs!
  • Fashion Style: A mix of simplified hanfu, loose and baggy clothing, and mage's robes


A prince thrown out of celestial heavenly orbit on accident. Someone was trying to protect him by casting him out but their plans backfired and he was left without enough energy to find his way back home.

After Atlan fell down to Earth, he was picked up by a kind-hearted fox. They travel together and are currently compiling a travel journal detailing interesting things they come across. Has an elaborate magic library back home, and he recuperated after falling to Earth while spending a lot of time reading. Likes studying all matters of life and events on Earth. Excited to see all the phenomena he's read about in person.

A serious scholar dedicating his heart and soul into crafting dreams before he crashlanded on a foreign planet. Atlan is an amateur at dream crafting. He is better at transmitting feelings and wishes into dreams rather than images and scenes. He uses stardust and celestial magic to craft and deliver his dreams. Receipients are random, he can't control where his stardust falls. He prefers giving these lucky people dreams that are pleasant to wake from rather than whimsical or elaborate stories. His favorites are dreams about soft snow and cozy winter mornings.

Motifs / Themes

  • stars, constellations
  • star-shaped foods (ie. konpeito)
  • winter, snow
  • libraries, books, big windows
  • morning light


  • Atlan's palms and irises glow white when activating his dream-crafting abilities. His body temperature can be abnormal because of this; he runs icy hot and his hands feel burning hot and freezing cold simultaneously.
  • His sense of taste is dulled. He needs his food seasoned very liberally in order to taste it at all. The first meal he ever ate was a star that was burning white-hot and it numbed his sense of taste ever since.
  • He gets his dreamcrafting powers from bathing in starlight. He can absorb mana from light for energy and uses the sun to recharge his powers.
  • He gets nervous and blushes easily when embarrassed. His smiles coyly and sheepishly more than he does genuinely.
  • VOICE SAMPLE (flos - R Sound Design; Evedot cover)

Alternate Universes

  • Galaxybaby ()
  • Angemos ()
  • Genshin - cryo catalyst