


1 year, 10 months ago



  • character based on a dream i had. To summarize there was this giant game center that was constantly shifting, that people were always trying to win at and was like a big center of this cyberpunk/game city, and this girl who i like. WAS was just some person trying to figure out what was happening she stumbled in and immediately got lost, and was jumping over active games being played, almost being rolled up as employees and enforcers were preparing to shift stages, she was a mess but she was quick.  
  • she scrambled out to the outside where she met a guy, who was running bets and doing something with the games that i cant remember what, but he was outside of the system. he took her into his back thing and was like interviewing her, asking what she could do. What she could do was essentially werewolf into this terrifying fast pinata lizard. This guy meets up with his coworker, a lady, and is like "we need to recuit her" and tell her something like "you have three to one odds on this". 
  • she looked at it and was like "ok sure what now" and so he gave her a gun and was like "test that laser pistol"  So she did. she fired three shots as this giant terrifying pinata lizard and then wrote on a piece of paper "it was more than three." 
  • She didnt fucking understand what the hell he was saying. she was just reading three over one and assuming he was saying something was??? three??? basically, she couldnt understand anything that was happening in the big game center, but she was quick, she was valulable, and the last part of my dream ended with her just running out as a giant lizard and the guy going "we need to have her work with us" because the potential her like. beast form had was insane.

When she is shifted into her 'pinata lizard' form, there are a few important details. She is still herself. She is the same person, mind intact. She becomes mute, though, relying on writing to communicate when in this form. This form isn't triggered by the full moon or anything, it is completely voluntary.  
She's really skilled at being dextrous, aiming, etc, but she doesn't really get things easily. Given simple enough instructions she can do something, but has trouble with complex ideas that arent in her special experience or interest.
She's a pretty young person. I want to say around 12-13, scrawny, rough and tumble.

Human form, 4'5, Lizard/Monster form, 6'8