Wang Nüying 汪女英



1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Wang Nüying aka Lady of Qiuniu [姓汪名女英, 封囚牛郡王妃]
Race: Ghost-turned Deity [鬼⇨仙]
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 162 cm, or 5'4

Originating much further inland in Xuancheng [宣城], never would Nüying have foreseen her eventual fate, to ultimately become the concubine of the Lord of Qiuniu, Ao Qin. Her story began with a curse in a blessing; her mesmerizing beauty, which earned her a reputation well-known throughout the region, not to add the title of 'Anhui's First Beauty [安徽第一美人]'. However, it was this very gift from above that would lead to her streak of misfortune, starting at the foot of Mount Jingting [敬亭山].

Nüying had just finished picking wild vegetables and herbs from the forest when she found herself surrounded by a gang of hooligans [喽啰], swiftly snatching her up and holding her captive, as they travelled southeast to the coast of Guangxi [广西]. It was here where she was handed over to a pirate captain, whom had engaged the hooligans in the first place, long desiring to take the beauty of Anhui as one of his many concubines.

Karma would come back for the evil-doers however, for just as the captain was about to take advantage of Nüying, the sky would darken with dark, rolling clouds, the sea becoming turbulent and unforgiving. A certain dragon prince had enough with seeing the band of pirates commit such treacherous crimes, and yet get away scot-free every single time. Acting against his father, the Dragon King of the East Sea's [东海龙王] wishes for his people to stay out of mortal affairs, Ao Qin finished off by conjuring a large wave, engulfing the ship and splitting it clean in two.

Ao Qin's plan was rather shortsighted unfortunately, for he failed to consider the innocents who were also aboard the vessel, his ears beginning to deafen with their cries as the ship began sinking, destined to become water ghosts [水鬼] with the very pirates who captured them. The drums and gongs of the heavenly army [天兵天将] began to beat, about to descend and capture the lord of Qiuniu for acting on his own accord and costing the lives of many.

That was until the sea goddess Mazu [天后妈祖] appeared, using silk sashes to rescue the innocents, and the dragon prince from ultimate doom, much to the dragon king's deepest gratitude. Regrettably, Ao Qin would find out that one still met a watery grave, that being none other than Nüying. About to be dragged off into hell by the generals Cow-Head and Horse-Face [牛头马面], it was here that he would act on impulse once more, from a mix of infatuation and remorse, declaring there and then that Nüying was his wife-to-be.

Theme: 阴调