


1 year, 10 months ago


➽General Information

🌺 OC Name: Felix

🌺 Gender: Male

🌺 Age: 25 y.o.

🌺 Sexuality: Bisexual

➽Physical Appearance:

🌺 Species: Snake demon

🌺 Height: 165 cm/ 5’5’’

🌺 Skin Color: Light gray with light brown stripes and spots. Fingertips and eyelids are light brown. There is a white stripe on the belly (from the line of the "hips" to the end of the tail)

🌺 Hair Color: Blonde

🌺 Eye Color: Light purple


🌺 Temperament/Mood: Shy. When he is worried, he starts talking so quietly that you can barely hear his voice. However, if a tall, big guy is next to him, he begins to get very worried, cannot speak and is embarrassed to get acquainted. Experiencing panic attacks when seeing fire.

🌺 Hobbies (at least 3): Massage, aromatherapy and manual therapy. Collects different types of flowers and takes care of them. Rarely makes herbariums.

🤍 Kinks (at least 3): Tall big men (big in the sense of an athletic build). Certain scents and their combinations. Unhurried gentle foreplay

💔 Turn-offs (optional): Fire-related games and/or candles to create a romantic atmosphere (due to his phobia).

🌺 Personal Description: Until recently, Felix worked at the fetish club Terrarium as a dancer and waiter. He was known by the nickname Desert Flower, as he mainly performed oriental dances. Felix hoped that this would only be his part-time job before he could find a better job. However, he realized too late that Bruno, the owner of the club, would not let him leave this place. On the day of his escape, Felix started a fire, but almost died trying to get out of the burning half of the building. He was rescued by the guy they planned the escape with, taking him to Dr. Rose (one of my other OCs). Both fugitives are still presumed dead, so Bruno doesn't try to find Felix.

Felix currently works at a spa and earns some extra money caring for the plants in the Batanic Gardens. He still gets panic attacks when he sees fire, so he asks someone to help him if he needs to light the oromatic sticks. When he sees his scar on his shoulder, it can also cause panic and feelings of inferiority (he is very shy about this part of himself), so Felix tries to wear as much clothing as possible or cover the scar with something.

- His death was the result of a car accident.

- He's half Chinese

- He has piercings on his tongue and navel.

-Before the incident, he was a welcome guest at any party. Now he hardly talks to anyone, preferring to spend time with his favorite flowers.

- He wants to return to normal life as soon as possible.