Marshall Kendi



6 years, 4 months ago


Marshall Kendi




Cis Male





Navigation Instructor

GAC Earned
575 GAC


Active (+)
He’s that person who loves to jump into any and all sorts of activities. He’d rather give a helping hand than just giving moral support.

Challenging (+)
While being a rather relaxed teacher, he still likes to invite competition among his students. Nothing too strenuous, but he likes to give a push. He finds that sometimes, it’s what they need.

Honest (+)
If something is bothering him, or is making him happy, he will talk about it. He rather have his fellow associates know if something is up with him, or any students.

Passionate (+)
If anyone knows Marshall, they know he has a strong love for many things, and he little speeches can be quite magical, but also very awkward.

Casual (+-)
Marshall is a laid back teacher and rather keep the students on the same level of respect. He doesn’t need them calling his by his last name as he finds it reduces them to children and him some authority type.

Reserved (+-)
When it comes down to his personal life (more in relation to his wife and daughter), he is very slow to open up about it. He has his regrets and just holds onto until he finds the right time or person.

Proud (+-)
When it comes to his schooling and earth bound successes, which have also has led to his successes as a teacher, he can’t help but feel highly of himself. Yet, he’s not one to speak so sharply about it.

Cautious (-)
In his classes, especially during field training, he doesn’t push challenging his students, he keeps it very serious and makes sure the students are working appropriately to prevent any harm as much as possible.

Natty (-)
Looking at his clothes and the way he speaks, Marshall just radiates fashion and what could be considered a wealthy person’s persona.

Passive (-)
As much as Marshall loves to be active in different activities, when it comes down to actual physical fights, he really doesn’t want to get involved. He tries to deflect it verbally as much as possible.

Morbid (-)
It wouldn’t seem as obvious with his bright demeanor, but Marshall has a rather dark mind. He often thinks of the worst case scenarios before anything positive. Causing him to be cautious and sometimes over protective.


[ !!Brief mention of character death!! ]

[ For the lazies who don’t really care xD ]

Marshall came from tribe in Africa, moved to France with his mother. Fell in love with school and space. Got good grades all the way through high school. Got scholarship for the Galaxy Garrison Militia Academy. Met his wife in their third year, she dropped out due to heart condition and pregnancy during their fifth year. She went back to Earth, Marshall was involved in a Galra war. He graduated and went back to Earth, found out he had daughter and proposed to his then-girlfriend. She passed away while he was working on his BA in science teaching. He also was studying to become an instructor in the GGMA. Leaves daughter with his parents on Earth and becomes instructor.

[For people who actually want the full thing ]

Marshall came from a French mother and African father who settled and raised him in his father’s tribe in Africa. The Kendi’s weren’t bad off money-wise allowing Marshall to go to a form of schooling before they relocated to France due to his mother’s job relocating back. He couldn’t really complain about the move, and welcomed the change of pace. Marshall was far too young to really put up any complaints.

After a few years, he really got into school and found a passion for astronomy early on. While his family still made decent money, Marshall worked hard to get great scores to get into several schools, including scholarships. He even applied for the Galaxy Garrison Militia Academy, and he was lucky to get a scholarship, as well as being accepted. He had come to terms beforehand that if he couldn’t get in as a navigator, he’d become an astronaut or astronomer. He wanted to travel in SPACE so getting accepted was a huge deal for him.

It was during his third year that he met his fighter pilot, a rather feisty young woman named Trinity. About halfway through their third year, the two started dating. He was her navigator and she was his fighter pilot. It was a very good balance for them that worked with the entire team. He considered the whole team as his space family, he loved them dearly. During their fifth year, Trinity had to leave the garrison due to heart condition problems that was discovered, along with a hidden pregnancy. At the time, Marshall had no clue he was a father until Olena was born. During that time he had been involved in the war with the Galra empire. He saw quite a bit of death - most of his team was wiped out, the new fighter pilot just not doing them justice. Marshall and his engineer were the only ones to scrape by with their lives.

After the war with the Galra empire, Marshall proposed to Trinity, and graduated from the Academy. He returned to Earth to be with his wife and child. To build a life with his two loves, even though Space held a special place in his heart. To make ends meet, Trinity had started working as a firefighter - much to her doctor’s disapproval - while Marshall went to school to be a teacher. Marshall had been studying to become an instructor to the garrison for a few years when Trinity suddenly passed away.  It wasn’t a slow death either, it was very sudden and in the middle of her work. Olena was 5 at the time, it hurt Marshall watching his baby girl wail for her mama who wouldn’t come back. She stayed with her grandparents until Marshall graduated from the university. He was twenty-seven.

Marshall moved him and Olena to France with his parents while he continued to study to become a garrison instructor. He taught Science to high school seniors for about four years while on his down time he studied and took rigorous exams. He made sure to pass if not on the first time, definitely the second. When the chance came up he applied for the an open navigating instructor’s position on the ship. At the age of thirty-two, he kissed his daughter and hugged her good-bye, saying he was doing all this for her, to make sure she would remain safe on Earth. Ever since, he’s been teaching, as both an excited adult but an alumni who actually knows what he’s talking about from experience.


Students who endanger others with carelessness
Beer (icky)
Screamo Music
Not being confident in oneself
The awkwardness between him and Olena

Music Trivia
Voice Claim: Zack Hemsey
Theme song:See What I’ve Become

-Marshall smells like he’s been laying out in the sun.
-Olena is his only daughter and she’s 23 now. She was left in France when he got his dream job.
-He loves food and doesn’t dislike anything.-Marshall is actually a demiromantic pansexual.
-He didn’t start thinking the worst possible scenarios until after Trinity passed away.
-He has a tattoo sleeve and a chunk of his shoulder covered. He doesn’t show it off because it’s unprofessional.
-Marshall’s back is covered in scars from the galra war.
-Marshall’s Playlist [ To be Added ]