


1 year, 10 months ago


Male/amab (He/Him)
Twenty Nine Moons
Bolide's Posse

I can't let you in, I swore never again / I can't afford to let myself be blindsided


The son of a stray and a cat brought as a kitten from unreputable breeders, his bloodline is muddy and unknown. Like most cats on the streets, he is best described as a moggie.
Fur Colour
White and Ginger Tabby

A soft cream base covers his legs, belly, tip of his tail and muzzle. Draped like a cloak across his head and back, covering most of his tail is pale orange fur striped with a darker, reddish pattern.
Body Shape
Medium height, scrappy

Peach has a very common build, with only an angular face to set him apart from every other stray on the street. An average height but a below average weight, he tends to look underweight no matter how good of a weeks meals he's had.

His eyes are leaf green, and rarely meet the eyes of any cat he's talking too. Often focused on movements, shiny things, or just the clouds. Despite this, he has very sharp eyesight, and is very quick to notice even the slightest movement.
Small scars and a breathing issue

You can always hear Peach coming, as since childhood he has suffered from rough, noisy breathing.. The raspy breaths might be a result of some cold, wet nights as a kitten. While it doesn't sound great his breathing is mostly fine, only noticeable in how he takes a little longer than others to recover from becoming winded. There's a notch in his ear and a couple of scattered small claw marks on him, along with one nastier set of bite marks big enough to disrupt his fur wrapping around his left shoulder blade.

Enduring . Kind . Adventurous

Through every setback, trauma, hardship or loss Peach has persevered with a well of inner strength and a seeming inability to even understand that he could give up. It seems to have never even occurred to him, that he could "go home", despite his reluctance to "go big". He might not be a hopeful sort of cat, as he never expects things to go well for him, but he continues regardless. He also treats his breathing, a rather large obstacle for stealth, as a simple fact of life. No cat has ever heard him complain about his lot in life.

Peach is kind in a very quiet, understated way, often there to lend a hand or act as a steady rock in times of strife. He always seems slightly awkward and unsure when he offers help, and is not very good at offering advice or comforting words. He often reaches out by offering food, warmth, or other acts of service. He becomes very nervous and unsure when he is acknowledged or thanked for his actions, and does not seem to see them as kindness. He would not describe himself as kind.

A cat that enjoys exploring and long walks, Peach roamed far and wide during his days as a stray, and the meadow is very far from where he originally started. New smells, sights, sounds and tastes are always a favorite of Peach's, and he often spends his spare time sniffing around hidden nooks and crannys looking for something interesting. He does not allow this to become a dangerous past-time, however, and never seeks out interesting things in dangerous places.

Obidient . Focused . Unhurried

Peach likes following orders. He likes to have someone to follow, not having to worry about the big picture. He isn't the sort to obey every rule to the letter, or order his life around an authority figure, he simply dislikes having to make his own decisions. Life on the streets alone is hard, and he isn't suited for thinking ahead or making plans. Most of his hardships in that time came from poor decisions or a lack of forethought. There is also the desperate hope that maybe if he does everything right he won't be ignored and abandoned. This probably won't come back to bite him.

Peach is very good at focusing on things - once something catches his attention he can keep watching, listening or thinking for hours without pause or distraction. This is a particular help with hunting, as it makes him very good at watching for prey and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. In the right situation, his ability to focus is a brilliant asset. It often comes back to bite him through focusing on one thing to the detriment of others, or focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time.

The kind of guy who could spend a whole day waiting for a bird, Peach is not a fast mover. His idea of a day off is basking in the sun or perching somewhere high and watching the world go by. It's very rare to see Peach run somewhere, and usually means theres an emergency, or he's keeping up with a more energetic cat.

Distrusting . Tempermental . Shortsighted

Peach is deeply distrusting of others, and inclined to assume the worst of others intentions towards him. He rarely trusts others with even the smallest of secrets, and has a tendancy to keep injuries secret. Positive intentions directed towards him are often met with avoidance or ignorance, or seen as some kind of attack

Peach seems to shift emotions at the drop of a hat, a temper more like a flash bang than a short fuse. In reality, while he is rather temperamental, he also often doesn't show his shifts in emotions until they erupt. He doesn't realise he does this, and it often leaves other cats with a poor impression of him after he flips emotions on them and leaves them reeling.

Peach is very aware of his lack of foresight, after a long stretch of having to look out for himself and make his own decisions as a loner. Despite his attempts to circumvent this flaw through assigning the looking ahead to other cats, he still finds himself in difficult spots as a result of a lack of foresight.


  • STR - 0
  • DEX - 0
  • CON - 0

  • INT - 0
  • WIS - 0
  • CHA - 0


  • Sunbathing
  • New things
  • Hunting

  • Sudden Changes
  • Rain
  • Planning ahead
Design Notes

  • Tends to have a distant or distracted look on his face.
  • Quote is from Sleeping at last - Eight, his theme song.
  • .

  • He and his siblings were named at the shelter with the theme of fruits from a tree! There's an Apple and a Lemon out there somewhere.
  • Has a secret, guilty love of milk.
  • He can hold his breath for an impressively long time.
code by jiko | front image by artist | moodboard images from website