


6 years, 5 months ago


  • Species: Pond Ponies owned by PrePAWSterous, Cherri-Crimzon and Rainjay-xx
  • - Traits
  • -- Pond Type: Tide Pool
  • -- Uncommon: Drop Shaped Power Stone, Lapis Lazuli Power Stone (Semi-Precious)
  • -- Masterlist Number: #438
  • Species Guide: cherri-crimzon.deviantart.com/… (Closed Species)
  • Gender: Female
  • Nicknames: Lapis
  • Pond Residence:  Lapis resides in a tide pool located on an island beach, south-west of  Equestria in the South Lunar Ocean. The island is known as 'Pohau' and  is known for it's brilliant, white sandy beaches and it's brilliant blue  ocean waters. Lapis's pool mirrors the ocean as well, it is brilliant  and blue, just like her mane. She has a perfect view of the ocean from  her home, she can see the entirety of the beach, as well as the sea  shells and contrasting volcanic black rocks scattered around it. Her  tide pool is warm, but refreshing, and always tidy. Her part of the  island is almost untouched by pony hooves, a volcanic mountain ridge  separates her and the large city of Ponolulu to the south of the island  and it is not often that the city ponies trek up beyond the mountains.
  • Personality:  Lapis is very chill, she enjoys spending most of her time lazing around  her beach and tide pool, just floating there watching the ocean or the  stars twinkling at night. There isn't too much for her to do seeing as  her beach doesn't get many visitors, it stays nice and clean with no  ponies around to mess it up. With few ponies around there isn't really  much protecting to be done, and as such Lapis has grown somewhat  complacent. She isn't inherently mean, but she uses her powers to scare  off ponies who may threaten her little piece of the island. For a time  after her creation, she was rather curious, wondering what life was like  beyond her tide pool, but her curiosity has faded over time. She is a  tad lonely, but it doesn't bother her entirely often.
  • Main Interests: Her Tide Pool, Her Beach, The Sound of the Ocean, The Stars
  • Theme Song: "Steven Universe - Lapis' Tower"

When  the island of Pohau first arose from the sea amongst a cloud of  volcanic ash, there was no need for a guardian of any sort for this  fresh island. It was completely untouched by pony hooves, a veritable  paradise of trees, rivers and mountains. Birds flocked to live in its  trees, and crabs and other ocean creatures made their homes on its  shores. The gentle blue waves pushed against the islands white sands,  shining bright as the sun as it shone down, there was nary a cloudy day  on this island. The spirits smiled upon this island for many millennia,  fruit grew plenty and so did the animal inhabitants. This island  wouldn't be uninhabited forever however.

Pohau's first pony  inhabitants found the island by chance, they were explorers from the  islands Marequestias and Tahayti, other islands found in the South Lunar  Ocean. They were blown off course by a huge storm and washed up on the  southern shore of the island. They couldn't have ship wrecked on a  better place, the island was so bountiful and the explorers took notice.  Word was sent back to their islands and soon, a fair settlement was  built. The spirits kept their eyes on the island, they knew how some  ponies could be in the northern parts of the world, wasteful and  destructive. But these ponies, they respected the island, they were not  wasteful and only took what they needed. The spirits decided that all  was still right with the island, there was no need to intervene. That  was, until an explorer from Trottingham, mapping the South Lunar Ocean,  sailed past it.

Captain Colt was this explorers name, he marveled  at the sight of the island, it looked enchanting, as though it were a  magical illusion. The original inhabitants welcomed him and his crew  with open arms, they shared their food with them and showed them around  the island, it was heaven. Colt sent word of this enchanting place to  Trottingham, but after that things begun to turn sour for Colt, the  Pohauian's begun to see how different the sailors were, they were  wasteful and took more than they needed. Colt was chased out but more  Trottingham ponies eventually came, and more, and more, even ones from Equestria. Eventually the poor Pohauian's begun assimilating the  Trottingham and Equestrian cultures and mannerisms.

The spirits  noticed, it was happening at an alarming rate, making them wish they  had've acted sooner to preserve all of the beauty. Soon the entire  southern end of the island was one big city, full of cars, sky scrapers and tourist attractions. However the ponies had yet to trek the huge  mountains that essentially split the island in two to find the other  half of it. They were already so enamored with the southern end that  they hadn't thought about exploring the island father. It was time for  the spirits to work their magic before it was too late, they needed to  protect what they could. They started by shaping the earth, making the  mountains more treacherous so ponies would feel the need to stay away at  all costs. But they knew that would probably not be enough, and so they  set phase two of their plan into action.

It was midday when  they began, the sun was shining high in the great blue sky, reflecting  off the ocean as though it were a mirror, making the waves as blue as  the horizon, at times one could hardly distinguish the two. The sky  reflected particularly beautifully on one particular tide pool, and the  spirits got to work. From the bottom of the pool arose a chunk of lapis  lazuli stone that was as blue as the ocean, this stone happened to roll  ashore and ended up in the tide pool. With their magic, the spirits  crafted and refined the stone to the shape of a drop of water, and  infused it with power. Water from the tide pool rose upward in a spiral,  and was absorbed into the stone. Then, boom! A flash of light engulfed  the surrounding area, and when it faded, a stunning blue mare had  appeared in the pool.

The mare had a long, flowing mane and tail  of water that started light at the tips, but grew more brilliantly blue  the closer it came to her head, as blue as the lapis lazuli stone around  her neck. Her hooves were made of water as well, as blue as her mane  and pond on her back. Her coat was light blue, with black markings  similar to the tattoos of the original Pohauian ponies, the ponies whom  the spirits truly favored. She wore a cloak known as a Qipao that  started around her neck and draped down the sides of her flank. Her eyes  may have been shut, but the magic emanating from her power stone  allowed her to see the beauty of what was around her. It was pure bliss  to her, her first feelings in the world were those of happiness. She was  home.

She was born knowing her name was Lapis Lazuli, and what  her place in the world was, many are not fortunate enough for this to be  the case, such happens when you are created and not truly born. She  surveyed the land around her tide pool, then walked back and forth  through the length of Northern Pohau. She took note of every tree, ever  shell and rock, everything about her little paradise so she could  properly protect it. If anything moved on its own, she would know. That  night she even surveyed all of the stars and their placement in the sky,  they were so stunning, shining down upon her tide pool. They made her  wonder how far their light reached, and in turn how vast the ocean  really was. And then, sitting alone in the dark, she wondered about the  other ponies in the south. She knew they were there, but was warned to  stay away from them, less they get curious and come find her paradise  themselves.

She had so much curiosity over so many things, but  after a little while it ended up getting the better of her, and she  ventured up the mountain to see what was on the other side. Being what  she was, she was able to navigate the mountain with ease, able to sense  every possible danger. When she reached the top and could see past its  peak, she stood in awe, she had never seen a city before. It was nearly  dawn and the lights of the city were still ablaze as the night was  fading into day, the ponies walking on the streets were dwarfed by these  huge buildings. It was brilliant. As the sun came up, it shone right on  the top of the tallest sky scraper, light slowly creeping down it as  the sun rose higher and higher. She wanted so badly to go down and see  everything up close, to see the sights, to meet the ponies, but she knew  she couldn't.

It became a ritual for her to watch the sun rise  over Pohau's Southern City, and each time she would yearn more and more  to go there herself. This went on for awhile until she couldn't take it  anymore, her curiosity was maxed out. She pleaded with the spirits to  allow her to visit the ponies, they were adamant at first, telling her  she needed to stay in her home. But she was persistent, and the spirits  decided maybe a lesson needed to be learned. They would allow it under  one condition, she could not me seen. She jumped for joy, and excitedly  rushed up the mountain once more. She watched her step as she trotted  down the other side, and when she was close to the city, hid in a bush  to watch for a moment.

She was where she wanted to be, but  something really didn't feel right to her. It was like there was a small  pain in the pit of her stomach, she tried to chock it up to being  nervous. When no one was looking, she trotted farther into the city, but  the pain in her stomach began to grow. What was it? She coughed, then  looked around. It was beginning to become clear she was blinded by her  curiosity, for now she could see all the pollutants in the air.  Something urged her to continue on. She came to a street of factories on  the edge of a lakeside, all throwing fumes into the air. She looked at  the river and saw that it was far from the beautiful blue of the ocean,  it was almost a green color, she noticed the pipes running from the  factories spewing sludge directly into the water. It was then she heard  some ponies coming, and ducked behind a garbage can. She watched from  behind as one of the ponies threw a wrapper at the can, missed, and then  laughed about it and just trotted away without picking it up.

She  knew it now, the spirits were right. She knew what she had to do, but  now she knew why she had to do it. With newfound motivation she dashed  from behind the trash cans and headed the direction for home. She ran  past the factories, the sky scrapers, and was getting close to the  beginning of the forest, when she was spotted by some tourists. "Wow,  I've never seen a pony like that before!" they exclaimed as they came  closer. Lapis had no idea what to do, she panicked, morphing the water  in her mane and expanding it into a vague shape of a large siren. The  tourist ponies stepped back as Lapis took the chance to flee into the  bushes and back up the mountain. She knew she would never let herself  leave her part of the island again, she had finally gotten far enough  away from the pollution to feel normal again.

Her troubles  weren't over however. She went on with her daily business as usual for a  few days after she arrived back home, sans the daily visit to the  mountain peak. She wanted nothing more to do with the world apart from  hers, but it seemed she wouldn't get a choice on the matter. Ponies had  heard of what was seen that day, and a group of entrepreneurs who wanted  to catch the beast and make it an attraction. The fool hearty ponies  trekked up the dangerous mountain, stumbling and falling over the large  rocks, fighting off fearsome creatures, some of them becoming injured.  But alas, they made it to Lapis' paradise in the north of Pohau.

This  time was different however, they were in her domain now. She could feel  the moment their hooves walked upon her land, and from her tide pool  home, with her power of sense she watched them, and waited. They were a  rowdy bunch, and she grew irritated with the noise, her experience with  them changed her for sure. When she felt them set hoof upon the white  sand beach, she set her plan in motion. Using not only her mane, but the  water in her tide pool, she created the image of a large creature. It  was once again a siren, but with some key differences. This one was much  bigger, and had some features of a centaur, and it looked as though it  were holding a trident. This illusion definitely wasn't as sloppy as her  first. Manipulating the water around her mouth, she cast a booming  voice across the beach to the ears of the intruders. "I AM NEIGHPTUNE,  GOD OF THE SEAS!" she bellowed. "THOSE WHO TRESPASS ON MY SACRED LANDS  WILL BE TAKEN TO THEIR WATERY GRAVES!" she said, using all her strength  to throw illusion at the ponies, who quickly fled back up the mountain  as fast as their legs would take them, only injuring themselves more  along the way.

Since then, very few have come to call on Lapis.  When some adventure seeking fool decides to see if the stories are true,  she is swift in scaring them off as she has done in the past. Seeing as  there isn't a whole lot for her to do or look forward to anymore, Lapis  has grown rather lazy. She no longer has to think about climbing up the  mountain to see the city, seeing as her beautiful dream of a beautiful  city full of friendly ponies was shattered. All there was for her was to  protect her half of the island, and with few ponies attempting the  journey, the ones that do become Lapis' bit of excitement for the month.  After that it's back to lazing around in her pool, gazing at the sea,  the sky, and the stars at night, the things that make her the happiest.  Though somewhat complacent, she isn't sad by any means, but she does  sometimes feel that there is a big piece of something missing from her,  she just isn't in any hurry to figure out what that is. At times she  wishes she could sprout wings and fly across the ocean, somewhere where  she could find another pony like her. Maybe someday what's missing will  find her instead.

  • Quote(s): "The stars, they are so beautiful tonight. What I wouldn't give to reach out and touch one."
  • "Same beach, same sand, same shells. It's kinda cozy in a way, always expecting to see the same things."
  • "Time for a nap..."