Vantor (Vee)



1 year, 11 months ago


This guy has probably gone through the most drastic changes design and story wise- His first version was an alien who was the last of his kind that just tagged along with this crew that were exploring uncharted planets, didn't really have anything personality wise other than he was just kinda tired of everyone's bullshit

I made his second design when I was doing some D&D AU doodles of some ocs and got really attached to his

Anyho this version had much more of a backstory and personality, I still quite like it and will probably use it again for another character so I'll do a quick rundown

When he was young one of his only two friends killed the other and attempted to kill him, he barely managed to survive and he decided to leave town as soon as he was recovered enough. This betrayal instilled some pretty severe trust issues and he became very closed off and rude to others. He's really only interested in learning everything there is to know about magic and more. He does eventually learn to trust people again after reluctantly joining a ragtag team of adventurers :)

OK final version (as of now anyway lmfao)-

I came up with this one pretty recently and am still figuring out a couple things but basically he was once an angel along with his brother, Sirius, did something that was extremely againsed holy rules (haven't figured out exactly what yet), was stripped of his angelic powers and banished from heaven. After falling to earth he was found by a farmer girl named Mocha who took him in and helped him get used to his new form and learn more about human civilization

I plan on doing more with his story but thats all I have for now!