


1 year, 10 months ago


design is very fluid

nancy, she/her, 15 when converted 17 now

lives on the coastal regions, mediterranean like. spends her days in the water hunting and gathering. lives by herself

like most self wuarentining zombies knows how to proficctionaly live off the land.

doesnt normally self change and operate on her body like other zombies, but sometimes sews on a long cat tail she harvested and dyed whenever, is good friends with antigone as nancy helped her through th e zombificaton process. 

she lived in the city before the apocalyps, was biten on her arm by a freak accident, had to chop them off before it spread to the rest of her body. she still had unnatural features and pale skin as if shes in the middle of the process, but due to the zombie parts being chipped off and reswed on it dont spread. it still reached her brian thoigh. still has a normal human appitite , doesnt feadt on human flesh never did.

lives in a makeshift house and creates everything she has. vewry good with her hands