Azalea Mannings



1 year, 9 months ago



Name Azalea Mannings
Age 20
Gender Non-binary
Pronouns They/She
Resides Jino
Species Human
Height 5'6"
Build Average idk
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Sexuality Queer
Occupation Full Time Student
Zodiac Taurus



Azalea grew up in a big family and a lower middle class household. She's the second oldest in a family of five, and practically raised their younger siblings with the help of their older brother. Azalea's parents got a divorce early on in her life, and the rest of their siblings are results of her mother's many flings after the divorce. Their mother worked two jobs to support the family and keep the house, as well as Azalea's older brother picking up odd jobs to help out. Azalea followed suit as soon as she was old enough to get a job, and soon realized her passion for robotics and programming through her new job as a robotics technician assistant.

Azalea began saving up for school after her brother moved out and their younger siblings started getting jobs of their own, and the family started having less and less money problems. They decided to major in robotics and minor in political science, for kicks and giggles. The Jino Community College is where they met Arlie and Hale, and the trio quickly grew into something of a found family after their first group project.

Traits and Mannerisms

Azalea tries to be a parental figure with everyone they meet, you could call them the "mom friend." Their bag is full of bandaids and water and snacks and everything anyone could possibly need when with her.

They are almost constantly checking their block in case someone messaged them in need of something, and it's not uncommon to find Azalea biting their nails or pulling at their dreadlocks.

Azalea is inredibly studious and ambitious, often pushing hanging out with friends aside to study or work on some project or extra credit. They like to keep busy because it distracts them from their chronic overthinking. Arlie and Hale are the only people Azalea can really relax around.


  • Family
  • Homework
  • Reading
  • Public Transportation
  • Frozen Yogurt


  • Relaxing
  • Peanut Butter
  • Small Spaces
  • Ignorance
  • Long Lines