


1 year, 10 months ago



24 . female . ???? asexual

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan pellentesque justo, non semper leo lacinia eu. Donec eget elit vel felis luctus semper.

Aenean eu tellus cursus, aliquam elit non, lobortis lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam at augue malesuada, luctus felis id, rhoncus orci. Ut sed massa et justo placerat pulvinar. Praesent porttitor sollicitudin convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed ullamcorper sit amet enim et finibus.

" insert quote here "

. . . .
Species Human
Designer [info]
Role Student
- -
Status Alive

  • moles! (in those places, they're not random)
  • eyebrows and lashes are darker than hair
  • lashes are usually even darker because of mascara
  • always (99% of the time) smudged mascara around eyes!!
  • droopy-ish eyes (she does NOT have sharp eyes)


As a young girl, Ophelia grew up in a relatively wealthy family due to her father's thriving business. Although her mother started to suffer from Post Partum Depression after her birth and started to emotionally neglect and avoid her children, her and her older brother Laert lived well being cared for mostly by their father.

Unfortunately it would not stay that way. Although he had always been prone to gambling, it only took a turn for the worse when a problem with the business arose. Their father looked for comfort in gambling and alcohol. This just worsened the already arisen problems and further fuelled the gambling and alcohol issues, resulting in a viscious circle bringing out the worst in him. While it started with drunken screaming and rage fits, the fury of their father transformed in genuine beatings while time passed. The children thus on lived not only with a mother they rarely even exchanged words with, but also a ticking time bomb of a father who was either asleep, out gambling or in one of his fits. Although her brother bravely did his best to protect his little sister and keep her from harm, growing up in this household severely damaged her mentally.

Ophelia wasn't quite a teen yet when her brother started to rebell which ultimately resulted in him snapping when their father tried to touch Ophelia and beating him black and blue. Following this, Laert and their father would spend their time in and out of Juvie, and the hospital and jail respectively. Not only was she horrified seeing her brother seemingly turn into her father and have the same cruel glint in their eyes, but him leaving her all alone in that cold, scary house succeeded in making her horrified of everyone she cares for leaving. Both of them had been so close and attached due to their traumabond, that the newly formed abandonment issues were just as strong.

This kickstarted a new period of her life. Ophelia started to become almost obsessive with trying to keep people close to her, going as far as doing anything to keep them close. Her relationships tended to be not only overly one-sidedly dependent but also toxic and unhealthy for everyone involved, especially Ophelia herself. In comparison to back then, her attachment and what she's willing to do to keep someone close has been way more subtle. Another bad habit she picked up was doing all types of substances in order to just forget about her life for a while as well as attending parties way too young. The relationship with the siblings grew cold following juvie, both of them hurt by each others actions and too afraid to be vulnerable. They grow further and further apart, essentially haunting the apartment for each other like a ghost, just the way their mother had done all thoughout their childhood. Despite this, both of them have never stopped deeply caring for the other and being ready to die for them.


At one of those parties Phelia met Hades through a mutual friend and they hit if off very quickly and grew close over the next couple years. Although not actually being attracted to him, she ended up sleeping with him while they were drunk and decided to become friends with benefits. Hades, not knowing about her abandonment issues and her not having realised shes a lesbian yet, agreed to the proposal due to him having regular sex with different people anyways. Meanwhile for Ophelia this was another relapse of her bad behaviour from the past and a way to guarantee he'd stay and be with her. With the passing months, she started to become more and more obsessive and possessive towards Hades, especially fuelled by her figuring out he is actually in love with his sister's childhood best friend. Her behaviour and mental state worsened to a degree where Hades realised he needs to step in. He breaks off their situationship, convinces her to start seeing a professional and get help. As part of her healing, they break off their contact altogether due to her having been way too attached to an unhealthy degree. Months down the line, Ophelia starts to reach out to him again and they rekindle their friendship.

Event Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales orci. Suspendisse nec sagittis leo, ut commodo turpis. Curabitur in hendrerit orci, nec vestibulum neque. Donec placerat lorem sit amet purus posuere fermentum. Aliquam id laoreet leo.

Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.


Growing up in an abusive household, the siblings used to be very close. Their relationship started to become estranged when Leart started to get into more and more fights and spent half of his time in juvie.

Nowadays they still live together but still seem to rarely ever see each other. Despite their estranged relationship, they still care deeply for the other.

Friends (with benefits)

They met through a mutual friend and hit it off quickly, spending most of their time hanging out, partying and getting high and drunk with the same friend group. After a particular party and hooking up once, they decided to be friends with benefits, no strings attached - although most people just assumed they were dating and they rolled with it.

Despite this, Ophelia obsessively latched onto Hades due to her abandonment issues.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lorem nisi, luctus eget venenatis at, tincidunt nec est. Donec consequat massa nisl, ac efficitur enim convallis at.

Aliquam suscipit urna massa, at sollicitudin lacus viverra at.