Sailor Zaapiel



6 years, 4 months ago


Senshi Info:
Senshi Name:
Sailor Zaapiel

Angel of: divine punisher of wicked souls

Age:a couple of thousand years old, though she looks like she's 25

Weapons: Whips, which start to glow when she's about to attack. When not in use, they become part of her skirts


PUNISHMENT SLASH!: wraps the enemy in the whip and destroys it when released.

Positive qualities: Loyal to her comrades during battle, obedient, team player, quick thinker

Negative qualities: Very impatient when plans go awry, aggressive, attention seeker, self-centered, vain

Bio: A fierce warrior, she hunts and punishes evil creatures who have committed the most heinous of acts. Considered one of the beautiful and strong angels, angels wish to fight along side her during one of her missions, but give up that idea when they realize how self-centered she is. 

Civilian Info:

Civilian Name: Aria Rättvisa

Birthday: March 25

Sign: Aries

Family: Disclosed

Hobbies: Reading, training, drinking coffee, and relaxing in her home during a rainy day, playing the violin

Job: Internationally known violinist

Sexuality: Asexual, but biromantic

Likes: Being alone, training till exhaustion, books, libraries, classic music, nice admirers, Kutiel

Dislikes: Rude and loud people, weak opponents, noise, modern music, people like Barakiel, especially Barakiel
As a friend and lover, she is very loyal and lovable. However, that kind of backfires since she's self-centered and anti-social. She's hardworking, and very elegant. She's considered a modern lady.
History: Aria has been playing the violin for as long as she could remember. Because of her talent, she is internationally known, and has gained many fans for her talent and beauty. She enjoys relaxing in her home either reading or practicing