


2 years, 2 months ago


Gender: non binary (genderless)

Pronouns: they/them

Age: ???

Sexuality: aromantic, asexual 

Personality: A bit shy, friendly?, cares a lot about close ones, sometimes takes a while to trust someone 

Height note: Stranger's height (birth) is the same height as Ghost/The Knight. The measurements I put are according to how I view the height of the citizens of Hallownest, so you may change it accordingly to how you view it (just keep the height difference between Stranger's grown-up and birth forms the same as it looks visually in the ref sheet).

Background: A vessel that escaped the abyss, and ran as far as they
could from it (didn't have much of a backstory before they met Kaas).

- Stranger meets Kaas sometime later after they escaped the abyss. Kaas tries to get rid of Stranger, but
after failing to do that for a while, she ends up raising them out of pity (at first).
- Kaas taught Stranger how to fight and gave them their weapon. Stranger doesn't know
how to use any spells except focusing to heal and fights similarly to a mantis.
- Kaas also named Stranger: with no name and no voice to tell her their name, Kaas had no way to know their
name, so she kept calling them "stranger" since they were a stranger to her. After some time they accepted
the word "stranger" as their name, and it's the only "name" that they respond to (except nicknames
given by others).

Species: Vessels 

-Vessels are from the game Hollow Knight, created by Team Cherry