
1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info






not straight




Although X is 27, Laia has remarked that xe acts like an edgy 18 year old. Xe is very outwardly aggressive and extremely prickly with everyone but Zander--it takes a long time for xem to start tolerating the rest of the group. In particular, he is easily irritated with Jamie until the two find common ground in their shared autism. (However, this tolerance for Jamie doesn't extend to other children he meets. He is just as prickly and irritable as usual with other children after the two of them bond. He has personal beef with all kids.)

X and Zander are childhood friends, and the two of them have been dating for several years now. While X is extremely touch-averse with the group, he is very cuddly and affectionate with Zander--sometimes to the point of being a little clingy, depending on his mood. At times, the group will notice the two of them wearing each other's clothes, but no one comments on it.

X has a special frog hat they've owned since childhood. As a young kid, the hat was very big on them, but they've finally grown into it in their adulthood. Although the hat is worn and torn from years of wear, X still wears it and keeps it close regardless. Xe doesn't wear the hat all the time, but it's an essential comfort object for X. When xe's having a bad day or when xe just needs a bit of comfort and familiarity, X can be seen with xyr frog hat on. He will let Zander wash it, but no one else is allowed to touch it--God have mercy on your soul if you do.

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