


6 years, 5 months ago


Personality: quiet, content, friendly


  • --- - Mother
  • --- - Father
  • Dino- best friend

Info: Saturn has reasonable telekinetic powers and can also turn small objects to stone, loves the calmness of the cafe

Bio:Saturn is a mixed demon. His mother is a gargoyle and his mother is a telekinetic demon. Saturn gets his colouration from his mother and his more humanoid form from his father. However, his abilities are mixed. He can also use telekinesis and turns objects to stone, due to having two differing powers his control of them isn't great and is mostly rather weak. He can still use them though and does so for more mundane tasks, i.e. moving an object he can't reach with his hands.

Saturn works in a small cafe. The cafe also has a book corner and doubles up as a book shop. It's very cosy and is visited most by its regulars who Saturn enjoys seeing. 

Unlike his mother, Saturn is very calm and content with just daily life. She often invites him to her workout sessions and the like but he always declines. He's very quiet but not self-doubting and is actually rather confident to a degree. Saturn is trans masc and his parents supported him very well, which really boosted his confidence.