Jackie Espinoza



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Jackie Espinoza







Sexuality + Gender identity

Lesbian + Genderqueer


Jackie is the singer of the band. Occasionally, when the song needs it, she also plays the keyboard.

— Physical description:
- Jackie has half of her hair dyed a hot pink. Nadia helps her redye it
- Constantly has eye bags under her eyes
- Can't be seen anywhere without coffee
- Has (fake) piercings in both of her ears (she tells people they're real)

— Description:
Jackie is the founder of Describe The Ruckus, xey've always wanted to start a band and figured to finally do it once she was a high school senior. She's responsible for booking the band for gigs, the band doesn't get many but when they do, the audience loves them and their underdog nature. Jackie also gets the band to perform during school events and assemblies. Jackie finds comfort in performing, as it lets her release her pent up emotions, particularly her anger. She's the designated boss of the group, despite not looking like it, she's a good organiser.

Jackie speaks out every thought that goes in her head, without putting much thought into what she says before she says them out loud. Although she is the youngest in the band, she seems to act like the oldest one. Xey have a very sarcastic personality, with a dry humour that often comes across as rude. Despite her sarcastic insults and remarks, xey never mean them with any ill intent. Jackie is often short-tempered, getting frustrated very easily at little things. This gives her a high tendency to lash out when it gets particularly bad. Xey're working on maintaining composure while working under pressure. She's a bit of a ladykiller, having had very extensive relationship experience. Even with this, not many of her relationships seem to stick, and only last a few weeks. She struggles heavily with abandonment issues.

Jackie lives alone with her older 20 year old sister, who disapproves many aspects about Jackie's life, but she doesn't pay attention to it. 

Extra notes! —
- Jackie often carries a stress ball in her bag
- She has a raspy voice
- Scarily good at flirting
- Threatening to people who don't know xem very well