Sam Zhang



1 year, 10 months ago





Name Sam Zhang
Pronounsthey/them he/him
Age 10
Gender Nonbinary
Role4th Grader
EthnicityIrish Afro-Asian 
Theme Song link


  • Playful
  • Chaotic
  • Curious
  • Dumb


  • Building Forts
  • Dolls
  • Climbing Trees
  • Yo-yos

Sam is a normal 4th grader that goes to South Park Elementary. They are bad at making friends, so they are often on their own with themself. Their parents make a good living so Sam will buy lots of things to play with, but their parents are too busy to supervise him. They loves climbing trees and has their own tree house in their backyard, but often falls and injure themselves. More likely to play with the other kids when they are playing pretend, and will change into their alter egos Star Spectrum and Ranger Sam.


Sam is a normal 4th Grader who lives in South Park in a upper-middle class family. They tend to be on their own most of the time since they have a hard time making friends, but will sometimes hang out with people at school. They go to South Park elementary, and are in a different 4th grade class from the main characters. Their favorite subjects are science and art. They are diagnosed with autism, and has support from therapist and the school.  Back at home they built their own Treehouse in their backyard that has a zip line that connects to the top of the tree to the bottom of their house. The zip line isn't very safe since if you don't jump off early you will slam into the house. In the tree house they have lots of dolls they like to play with and talk too. They love to climb trees and is extremely curious, so they often end up getting themselves injured. Both of their parents make good money, but is usually to busy to watch Sam explaining why they injure themselves so much. They have broken bones more than once, and is often in an arm cast.

Star Spectrum

Star Spectrum is Sam's villain alter ego and is Blaster Speedster with powerful attacks that also hurt themselves. Star Spectrum is a powerful alien from a species that is known to travel galaxies collecting star fragments to prolong their lives. Aliens from their species have been known to absorb entire stars. The energy of stars gives Star spectrum immense power, but they are young and do not know how to fully control their powers. Uses a Yo-yo as a melee weapon and a way to manifest their powers. He also has a weakness to vampires and is very afraid of them.

Around the World- uses a yo-yo and preforms an around the world trick hitting to their left and right side. The spin creates a swirl of stars and does a lot of damage. Star Spectrum has a chance to mess up the trick at the end of it hitting themself in the head and causing damage. Causes knock back.

Shooting Star- Star Spectrum lights up sparklers and runs really fast at an opponent diagonally. Causes fire damage and Star Spectrum returns to their original position. They have a chance to trip over when they return to their original spot causing damage.

Black Hole- Spins around creating a black hole causing opponents to be pulled toward them horizontally and veritically. Has a chance to accidentally get sucked into their own black hole causing damage to themself. 

Meteor Shower- Gets on their Zipline and falls down on to their opponent along with a meteor shower causing damage to the whole field. Their is a chance they get hurt when they hit the ground.

Ranger Zhang

Ranger Zhang patrols the outskirts of South Park from malignant forces. They attack using a saw blade that they throw at their enemy that they throw at their enemies causing bleed damage. They gave them self a black eye from falling down and landing on some scrap.

Recently they have been stealing packages and giving them to poor people as a way of serving justice. They are very good at stealing without being caught, so no one knows who is doing it. Often the stuff they give to people is random junk that the they would never want anyway and they might try to sell it if they don't end up just throwing it away. This has led to people who they gave free stuff to being arrested for stealing packages of of porches.


  • I never thought I would make an South Park OC, but after my friend drew them while I was playing TFBW I decided to keep them.
  • Both of their superhero and Fantasy outfits are inspired by the equipment you can wear in the games.
  • The reason I picked their weapon to be a yo-yo is because I recently bought a cheap one at the store and remembered how fun they were.
  • When I was playing FBW I intentionally made their outfit to be the Nonbinary flag colors since I knew that the game let you pick the gender of your player character. I gave them a different color palette in SOT to mix it up.
  • I haven't made a Fan OC since I was 14 and I have been watching South Park since I was in elementary school. They are my first South Park OC.



Professor Chaos  [ relationship ]

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


---  [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.