Cirice's Comments

ps fett I love this design so if you ever feel like trading/selling them i would LOVE to possibly offer !!


Scream, Black Christmas, Texas chainsaw massacre new beginning, It pt 1 (the new one) and The hills have eyes???

ITpt1 (the newer one), Texas chainsaw massacre, Nightmare on elm street, Candy man, andddd I’m gonna guess The ring.


Scream, Orphan, Friday the 13th, Halloween, IT 1990.

Scream, Jennifer’s body, Saw, Sweeney Todd, Friday the 13th

Gonna waste a few of my guesses on saw- Saw I, Saw II, Jennifer’s body, hostel, Martyrs

IT (reboot), Friday the 13th, Halloween, Scream (older ones), Texas chainsaw massacre 

IT: Chapter 1, Halloween 2018, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Black Phone, Scream

The Silence of the Lambs, The Shallows, Insidious, It & Us

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i have no clue since i don’t watch horror movies these r wild guesses 

hannibal, sinister, the conjuring / the nun / things in that kinda series, annibel 

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Scream 3, IT, Fantasy Island, A quiet place, Saw?

Scream, The Ring, The Blob, Sinister and Invisible Man

IT, Scream, Saw

Oh or the It 1990 version

the boy, scream, pet semetary, the conjuring, the shining

Scream, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Saw :)

Good taste in movies!

 Scream, Exorcist, Final destination, Texas Chainsaw massacre, severance 

Silence of the lambs, nightmare on elm street, cloverfield (my personal favorite), alien, the thing

ghostbusters, scary movie/s, IT, scream, US

House of wax, Brahms the boy 2?

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Scream, Jeepers Creepers, The Ring, Evil Dead, and Saw?

Thank you for doing this! I def would like to know what your favorite movies are aha~ I need to get back into watching horror flicks ; - ;

My Bloody Valentine, Scream (the 3rd was released in the 2000s?), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, IT, Resident Evil

silent house, the amityville horror, candyman, hereditary, the exorcist

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I'm guessing by the marking probably one or multiple of the Scream movies ?? :O

texas chainsaw massacre 2003, IT chapter 1, Ouija, American Physco, dashcam

My guesses are the It remakes, Friday The 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Possibly the remake!), The Thing, and Sweeney Todd ^^

IT, black phone, Friday the 13th, Texas chainsaw massacre, 

Hmmm, saw, chucky, scream, It, Texas chainsaw massacre

Dead by daylight Scream Character --?

Texas chainsaw massacre the beginning? (that 2006 one) OR RZ Halloween, Or the Friday the 13th reboot?

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texas chainsaw massacre

Sweeney Todd

I’m going to go on a whim and guess; Ghostface (1), Halloween, American Psycho, Jeepers Creepers, and Saw

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Is your favorite horror movie the newer IT movies :eyes: